Lucky U Ranch and Lucky U radio shows

1951 - 1953

Beginning in 1951 the Pioneers had their own Lucky U Ranch scripted program sponsored by Planter's Peanuts and announced by George Putnam. The boys lived on a "ranch" near the desert, Betty Taylor was the schoolteacher who had a crush on silent Tommy Doss. Frankie Messina provided accordion music; Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher provided comedy.

Ken Curtis took leave of the Pioneers in February of 1953 to become host of the Lucky U Ranch program, changing the name to Lucky U. Rex Dennis and Buddy Dooley joined Ken in forming a new trio for the program. We can call them "Ensemble" to differentiate from the Sons of the Pioneers. Completing the Lucky U cast were Shug Fisher, Betty Taylor, Frankie Messina, and the fine violinist Chuck Huerta.

In the mid-fifties the trio of Curtis, Dennis and Dooley filmed a series of Song Stories which featured the trio singing Pioneer and other western songs against an appropriate scenic background and interestingly enough the trio of Perryman, Doss and Curtis appeared on a few of these programs.

Counting both Lucky U Ranch and Lucky U 851 shows were recorded.
— Courtesy of Larry Hopper

Lucky U Ranch shows (1951-1953)

November 3, 1951: Pilot Show
Transcription Disc TR-65-68
Parts 1-4.

November 3, 1951: Pilot Show
Transcription Disc TR-69, 70, Duplicate of TR-61, 64.
Parts 1-4.

November 5, 1951. Transcription Disc TR-71, 72
"Yippee Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cajon Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Let the Rest of the World Go By," (Ernest Ball / J Keirn Brennan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Prairie Serenade," Sons of the Pioneers
"Pretty Eyed Baby," Betty Taylor
"This Ain't the Same Old Range," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

November 6, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-73, 74
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Honeysuckle Rose," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Ridin' Home," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers and Lloyd Perryman
"Froggie Went a Courtin'," Shug Fisher
"Have I Told You Lately That I Love U," Betty Taylor
"Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Ken Curtis

November 7, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-75, 76
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Sons of the Pioneers
"Seaside Schottische," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Along the Santa Fe Trail," Ken Curtis
"Little Red Wagon," Betty Taylor
"The Boss is Hangin' Out a Rainbow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

November 8, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-77, 78
"There's a Blue Sky Way Out Yonder," Sons of the Pioneers
"Timber Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wabash Blues," Karl Farr
"I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen," (Thomas P. Westendorf) Ken Curtis
"Wedding Dolls," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis
"Following the Sun All Day," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

November 9, 1951 Transcription Disc TR-79, 80
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cielito Lindo," (Carlos Fernandez) Sons of the Pioneers
"Rose of Tralee," Lloyd Perryman
"Sweet Betsy from Pike," Sons of the Pioneers
"A Gay Ranchero," Frankie Messina
"Keeper of my Heart," Betty Taylor
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Sons of the Pioneers

November 12, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-81, 82
"Grab Your Saddle Horn and Blow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers and Tommy Doss
"What This Country Needs," Sons of the Pioneers
"Love Song of the Waterfall," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Waggoner," Hugh Farr
"Heartbreak Hill," Tommy Doss
"Mississippi," Betty Taylor
"Little White Cross," Ken Curtis

November 12, 1951 (duplicate of TR-79 and TR-80): Transcription Disc TR-83, 84

November 12, 1951 (duplicate of TR-79 and TR-80): Transcription Disc TR-85, 86

November 13, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-87, 88
"Skip to My Lou," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wonderous Word," Ken Curtis and Hugh Farr
"Sentimental Journey," Sons of the Pioneers
"Biscuit Blues," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher
"Cold Cold Heart," Lloyd Perryman
"Grasshopper Heart," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss

November 13, 1951 (duplicate of TR-85 and TR-86): Transcription Disc TR-89, 90

November 14, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-91, 92
"Cody of the Pony Express," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"San Antone Rose," Tommy Doss, Hugh Farr, and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Because of You," Ken Curtis
"Dreamy Reverie," Karl Farr
"Handsome Stranger," Betty Taylor
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Ken Curtis, Hugh Farr, and the Sons of the Pioneers
"The Last Roundup," Lloyd Perryman

November 15, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-93, 94
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"You Must Come in at the Door," Sons of the Pioneers
"Room Full of Roses," Sons of the Pioneers
"Quicksilver," Betty Taylor
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"After You've Gone," Frankie Messina
"Home on the Range,"  (Dr. Brewster Higley/Dan Kelley) Sons of the Pioneers

November 15, 1951 (duplicate of TR-91 and TR-92): Transcription Disc TR-95, 96

November 16, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-97, 98
"Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Sons of the Pioneers
"Teardrops in my Heart," Lloyd Perryman
"Lady be Good," Hugh Farr
"I'll Never be Free," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor

November 16, 1951 (duplicate of TR-95 and TR-96): Transcription Disc TR-99, 100

November 19, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-101, 102
"Aunt Dinah's Quiltin' Party," (Kyle/Fletcher) Sons of the Pioneers
"When the Sun Goes Down Again," Sons of the Pioneers
"Farr Fly," Karl Farr
"Gold Mine in the Sky," Ken Curtis
"Why Don't You Haul Off and Love Me," Betty Taylor
"Bring Your Roses to Her Now," Sons of the Pioneers

November 19, 1951 (duplicate of TR-99 and TR-100): Transcription Disc TR-103, 104

November 20, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-105, 106
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Ramona," (L. Wolfe Gilbert/Mabel Wayne) Sons of the Pioneers
"Draggin' the Bow," Hugh Farr
"My Happiness," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor
"What'ch Gonna Say to Peter," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Lucky Old Sun," Sons of the Pioneers

November 21,1951: Transcription Disc TR-107, 108
"Silver Bells," Sons of the Pioneers
"Over the Santa Fe Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Bouquet of Roses," Ken Curtis
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Careless Hands," Betty Taylor
"You Ain't Heard Nothin' Till You Hear Him Roar," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher
"Roundup in the Sky," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

November 22, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-109, 110
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk - Brooks Copeland - Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers
"Sin," Ken Curtis
"Hillbilly Weddin' in June," Sons of the Pioneers
"Among my Souvenirs," Sons of the Pioneers
"The Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina
"The Merry Go Round Broke Down," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor
"The Lord's Prayer," Sons of the Pioneers

November 22, 1951 (duplicate of TR-107 and TR-108): Transcription Disc TR-111, 112

November 23, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-113, 114
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Down Yonder," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Mexicali Rose," Mexicali Rose (Helen Stone/Jack B. Tenney) Sons of the Pioneers
"Cow Crossed the Road," Hugh Farr
"Ne ha nee," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman
"Slowpoke," Betty Taylor
"Song of the Pioneers," Sons of the Pioneers

November 26, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-115, 116
"Roundup Time is Over," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Ken Curtis
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Waltz of the Roses," Ken Curtis
"If I Can Love You in the Morning," Betty Taylor
"Up a Lazy River" (Hoagy Carmichael/Sidney Arodin) Karl Farr
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

November 27, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-117, 118
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers
"Trail Dreamin'," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Home in San Antone," Tommy Doss
"Old Folks," Sons of the Pioneers
"Sundown," Ken Curtis
"Have You Ever Been Lonely," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis
"Rollin' Dust," Sons of the Pioneers

November 28, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-119, 120
"Tumbling Tumbleweeds," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Bound for the Rio Grande," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"I Ain't Gonna Cry No More," Ken Curtis
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers
"Daddy's Little Cowboy," Ken Curtis
"Someday," Betty Taylor
"Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers
"Fisher's Hornpipe," Sons of the Pioneers

November 28, 1951 (duplicate of TR-117 and TR-118): Transcription Disc TR-121, 122

November 29, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-123, 124
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Sons of the Pioneers
"Strawberry Roan," Tommy Doss
"A Summer Nights Rain," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Somebody Bigger Than You or I," Sons of the Pioneers
"Too Old to Cut the Mustard Anymore," Shug Fisher
"Butterfingers," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis
"Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers

November 30, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-125, 126
"Cindy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Roses," Ken Curtis.
"Blue Shadows," Lloyd Perryman.
"Gotta Have My Baby Back," Betty Taylor.
"I Follow the Stream," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Clarinet Polka," Frankie Messina.

December 3, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-127, 128
"When the Bloom is on the Sage," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cold Cold Heart," Lloyd Perryman
"I Follow the Stream," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"South in My Soul," Karl Farr
"Them There Eyes," Betty Taylor
"Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet," (Stanley Murphy/Percy Wenrich) Sons of the Pioneers

December 4, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-129, 130
"Hear Dem Bells," Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Old Sod Shanty On My Claim," Tommy Doss
"May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Whistlin' Rufus," Hugh Farr
"Beautiful Ohio," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis
"Empty Saddles," Sons of the Pioneers
"In a Little Red Barn," Sons of the Pioneers

December 5, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-131, 132
"Cimmaron," Sons of the Pioneers
"San Fernando Valley," Frankie Messina
"Smilin' Thru," Sons of the Pioneers
"Jealous Heart," Betty Taylor
"Goin' Home," Sons of the Pioneers
"I'm an Old Cowhand," Sons of the Pioneers

December 6, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-133, 134
"Ragtime Cowboy Joe," (Grant Clarke/Lewis F Muir & Maurice Abrahams) Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Brown Jug,"  (R. A. Eastburn) Sons of the Pioneers
"Jeannine I Dream of Lilac Time," Ken Curtis and Lloyd Perryman
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis
"Kelly Brown Waltz," Hugh Farr
"Tears on My Pillow," Betty Taylor
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

December 1951 7, Transcription Disc TR-135, 136
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr
"American Forever," Sons of the Pioneers
"Rock Me to Sleep in My Rocky Mountain Home," (Fred Howard/Nat Vincent/Billy Hill/William Raskin) Tommy Doss
"Winter Wonderland," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"The Minstrel Boy," Lloyd Perryman
"Highways Are Happy Ways," Sons of the Pioneers

December 10, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-137, 138
"When the Prairie Sun Says Good Morning," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"China Boy," Hugh Farr
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Lloyd Perryman
"Two Seated Saddle," Betty Taylor
"Throw a Saddle on a Star," (Andy Parker/Caldwell/Nordyke) Ken Curtis
"Wagons West," Sons of the Pioneers
"Where the Morning Glories Grow," Sons of the Pioneers

December 11, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-139, 140
"Wait For the Wagon" (George P. Knauff/R. Bishop Buckley), Sons of the Pioneers
"Tico Tico, no Fubá" (Zequinha de Abreu) Instrumental with Frankie Messina
"Throw Another Log on the Fire," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Told Them All about You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Apple Blossom Time," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Lord You Made The Cowboy Happy," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Utah Trail," Sons of the Pioneers

December 12, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-141, 142
"Yippe Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers
"Blues in D," Karl Farr
"Touch of God's Hand," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"That Old White Mule of Mine," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Teardrops from My Eyes," Betty Taylor
"Sin," Sons of the Pioneers
"Home in Wyoming," Sons of the Pioneers

December 13, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-143, 144
"Chisholm Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Shine," Hugh Farr
"My Gal is Purple," Sons of the Pioneers
"Echoes From the Hills," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Longing," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Blue Bonnet Girl," Lloyd Perryman

December 14, 1951 (special Bob Nolan Program): Transcription Disc TR-145
"Welcome to the Spring," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Song of the Prairie," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Hill Billy Wedding," Bob Nolan and Tommy Doss
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Send Him Home to Me," (Bob Nolan) Betty Taylor
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

December 14, 1951 (duplicate of TR-143): Transcription Disc TR-146, 147

December 17, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-148, 149
"Nellie Bly," Sons of the Pioneers
"Daddy's Little Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers
"Honey Suckle Rose," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr
"In the Gloaming," Lloyd Perryman
"Who Me," Shug Fisher
"Baby Doll," Betty Taylor
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss

December 18, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-150, 151
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Peanut Vendor," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Love You Truly," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"I Love You Because," Betty Taylor
"Silver on the Sage," Ken Curtis
"Goin' Back to Texas," Sons of the Pioneers

December 19, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-152, 153
"Detour," Sons of the Pioneers
"There'll Be Some Changes," Karl Farr
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers
"San Antonio Rose," Tommy Doss
"Yearning," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"Too Old to Cut the Mustard Anymore," Shug Fisher
"Following the Sun," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Arkansas Traveler," Hugh Farr

December 20, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-154, 155
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers
("A Cowboy has to Sing" by Bob Nolan?)
"When the Golden Train Comes Down," Sons of the Pioneers
"Go West Again," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Deed I Do," Hugh Farr
"Carry Me Back to the Lone Prairie," Tommy Doss
"When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin Along," Sons of the Pioneers

December 21, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-156, 157
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Shine On Harvest Moon,"  (Nora Bayes / Jack Norworth) Sons of the Pioneers
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr
"Cattle Call," Sons of the Pioneers
"Beautiful Dreamer," (Stephen Foster) Lloyd Perryman
"Nancy Till," Sons of the Pioneers
"Sandman Lullaby," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor

December 24, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-158, 159
"Columbus Stockade Blues," Sons of the Pioneers
"Undecided," Frankie Messina
"Galway Bay," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Song of the Wagonmaster," Sons of the Pioneers
"Santa Claus is Coming to Town," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Waggoner," Hugh Farr

December 24, 1951 (duplicate of TR-156 and TR-157): Transcription Disc TR-160, 161

December 25, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-162, 163
"Jingle Bells," Sons of the Pioneers and the audience
"An Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers
"Puddy Cat Song," Shug Fisher
"Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer," Betty Taylor
"Here Comes Santa Clause," Sons of the Pioneers

December 26, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-164, 165
"Buffalo Gal," Sons of the Pioneers
"At Sundown," Karl Farr
"An Old Fashioned Locket," Lloyd Perryman
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"At the End of the Lane," Sons of the Pioneers
"Anytime," Ken Curtis
"Careless Hands," Betty Taylor
"Blue Ridge Mountain Home," Sons of the Pioneers

December 27. 1951: Transcription Disc TR-166, 167
"Cut Down the Old Pine Tree," Sons of the Pioneers
"You Must Come in at the Door," Sons of the Pioneers
"Moonlight on the Prairie," (Bob Nolan & Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers
"No. 10 Lullaby Lane," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Along the Santa Fe Trail," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Keep the Home Fires Burning," Sons of the Pioneers
"Down Along the Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers

December 28, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-168, 169
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr
"Whisp'rin' Wind," Sons of the Pioneers
"Timber Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Along the Navajo Trail," Betty Taylor
"Roundup in the Sky," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Chuckawalla Swing," Sons of the Pioneers

December 31, 1951: Transcription Disc TR-170, 171
"There's a Blue Sky Away Out Yonder," Sons of the Pioneers
"Jessie Polka," Frankie Messina
"If You Ever Turn Me Down," Betty Taylor
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cody of the Pony Express," Sons of the Pioneers
"Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair," Lloyd Perryman
"Lucky Road," Sons of the Pioneers

January 2, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-172, 173
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers
"Farewell Blues," Karl Farr
"Hello Way Up There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Down Yonder," Tommy Doss
"Wedding Bells," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"There's a Long Long Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

January 3, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-174, 175
"Rainbow Over the Range," Sons of the Pioneers
"Milenberg Joys," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Waltz of the Roses," Sons of the Pioneers
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"South of the Border," Ken Curtis
"Wabash Cannonball," Betty Taylor
"Roll Along Jordan," Sons of the Pioneers

January 4, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-176, 177
"Take me Back to Tulsa," Sons of the Pioneers
"When you Leave the World Behind," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Wagon Wheels," Sons of the Pioneers
"A No Good Son of a Gun," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher
"Golden Wedding Waltz," Sons of the Pioneers
"Beyond the Reef," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"You Wore a Tulip," Sons of the Pioneer

January 7, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-178, 179
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Draggin' the Bow," Hugh Farr
"The Singing Hills," Ken Curtis
"Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers
"Foolish Tears," Betty Taylor
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"It's Good to Know You," Sons of the Pioneers

January 8, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-180, 181
"Yippe-I Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr
"Eagles Heart," Lloyd Perryman
"Bonaparte's Retreat," Tommy Doss
"The Boss is Hangin' Out a Rainbow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Grasshopper Heart," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Home in Wyoming," Sons of the Pioneers

January 9, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-182, 183
"The West is in My Soul," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Kerry Dancers," Frankie Messina
"The Touch of God's Hand," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"On the Alamo," Hugh Farr
"Aha! San Antone," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis
"Ridin' Down the Canyon," Betty Taylor
"I Want a Gal Just Like the Gal That Married Dear Old Dad," Sons of the Pioneers

January 10, 1952 (special Stan Jones Program): Transcription Disc TR-184, 185
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Chuckawalla Swing," Sons of the Pioneers
"My Gal is Purple," Sons of the Pioneers
"Whirlwind," Stan Jones
"The Wind is a Woman," Sons of the Pioneers
"Owl Lullaby," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Tommy Doss

January 10, 1952 (duplicate of TR-182 and TR-183): Transcription Disc TR-186, 187

January 11, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-188, 189
"Jim Crack Corn," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cowboy Camp Meetin'," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cottage in the Clouds," (Bob Nolan & Lloyd Perryman) Lloyd Perryman
"Alabama Jubilee," Tommy Doss
"You Can't Break My Heart," Betty Taylor
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Sons of the Pioneers
"Git Along Little Doggies," Sons of the Pioneers

January 12, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-190, 191
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk\Brooks Copeland\Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers
"Cornflower," Hugh Farr
"Melody from the Sky," Sons of the Pioneers
"Rim of the Canyon," Ken Curtis
"I Still Feel the Same about You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Getting to Know You," Betty Taylor

January 15, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-192, 193
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers
"Blues in A," Karl Farr
"Love at the Country Fair," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Heartbreak Hill," Tommy Doss
"Way Out West in Kansas," Sons of the Pioneers
"Dust," Sons of the Pioneers
"New Frontier," Sons of the Pioneers

January 16, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-194, 195
"Seeing Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party)" (James Fletcher/Francis Kyle) Sons of the Pioneers
"Limehouse Blues," Frankie Messina
"Ho-Le-O," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Arkansas Talkin' Blues," Shug Fisher
"Be My Life's Companion," Betty Taylor
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

January 16, 1952 (duplicate of TR-192 and TR-193): Transcription Disc TR-196, 197

January 17, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-198, 199
"Waitin' for the Robert E. Lee," (Lewis F. Muir/L. Wolfe Gilbert) Sons of the Pioneers
"Arkansas Traveler," Hugh Farr
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr
"Chicken Reel," Hugh Farr.
"I'll Never Be Free," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"It's Always You," Ken Curtis
"Shrimp Boats," Betty Taylor and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Song of the Pioneers," Sons of the Pioneers
"Open Up Them Pearly Gates," Sons of the Pioneers

January 17, 1952 (duplicate of TR-196 and TR-197): Transcription Disc TR-200, 201

January 18, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-202, 203
"Hot Time in New Orleans Tonight," Sons of the Pioneers
"Birth of the Blues," Karl Farr
"Slowpoke," Betty Taylor
"Moonlight and Roses," Sons of the Pioneers
"Mellow Mountain Moon," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman
"Cowpoke," Lloyd Perryman
"Mr. and Mississippi," Sons of the Pioneers

January 19, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-204, 205
"Texas Tornado," Sons of the Pioneers
"How High the Moon," Frankie Messina
"It's a Lie," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Gold Star Mother," Sons of the Pioneers
"I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes, " Betty Taylor
"Whoopee Ti Hi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers
"September Song," Ken Curtis
"When the Sun Goes Down Again," Sons of the Pioneers

January 20, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-206, 207
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers
"Skinner's Sock," Hugh Farr
"Tag Along," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"At the Rainbow's End," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Sons of the Pioneers
"Nehanee," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"In the Cumberland Mountains," Sons of the Pioneers

January 23, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-208, 209
"The Covered Wagon Rolled Right Along," Sons of the Pioneers
"Whispering," Karl Farr
"Candy Kisses," Betty Taylor
"Resurrectus" Sons of the Pioneers
"Too Young," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Dear Evelina," Sons of the Pioneers
"Chuck Wagon Blues," Sons of the Pioneers

January 24, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-210, 211
"Out On the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cajun Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Moon Country," Sons of the Pioneers
"Rose of Tralee," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Move On You Lazy Cattle," (Bob Nolan) Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Beautiful Ohio," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Utah Trail," Sons of the Pioneers

January 25, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-212, 213
"Sky Ball Paint," Sons of the Pioneers
"You're Just a Flower From an Old Bouquet," Hugh Farr
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Home in San Antone," Tommy Doss
"Handsome Stranger," Betty Taylor
"Lonesome Road," Hugh Farr
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

January 28, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-214, 215
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Prairie Serenade," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Back in Your Own Back Yard," Betty Taylor
"Keep a Light in Your Window," Lloyd Perryman and Tommy Doss
"Ridin' Home," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman
"Polly Wolly Doodle," Sons of the Pioneers

January 29, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-216, 217
"Silver Bells," Sons of the Pioneers
"Honeysuckle Rose," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Love Song of a Waterfall," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Plain Old Plains," Tommy Doss
"I'll Always Be in Love with You," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Wagons West," Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Old Sod Shanty on My Claim," Sons of the Pioneers

January 30, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-218, 219
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers
"It had to be You," (Isham Jones/Gus Kahn) Karl Farr
"Always," (Irving Berlin) Lloyd Perryman
"A Penny for Your Thoughts," Betty Taylor
"Strawberry Blonde on the Strawberry Roan," Ken Curtis
"Rollin' Dust," Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Brown Jug," (R. A. Eastburn) Sons of the Pioneers

January 31, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-220, 221
"My Adobe Hacienda," (Louise Massey Lee Penny) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Texas Skiparoo," Hugh Farr
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair," Lloyd Perryman
"Following the Sun," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Remembering," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"When the Bees Are in the Hive," Sons of the Pioneers

February 1, 1952 (special Tim Spencer Program): Transcription Disc TR-222, 223
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Sons of the Pioneers
"Timber Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Everlasting Hills," Sons of the Pioneers
"Over the Santa Fe Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"The Little Guy Who Looks Like You," Betty Taylor
"Room Full of Roses," Sons of the Pioneers

February 4, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-224, 225
"Cowboys and Indians," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wabash Blues," Sons of the Pioneers
"Room Full of Roses," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Parody on Room Full of Roses," Shug Fisher
"Trail Dreamin'," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Birds and Butterflies," Betty Taylor
"Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane," Sons of the Pioneers

February 5, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-226, 227
"Rocky Roads," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"I Never Knew," Hugh Farr
"What This Country Needs," Tommy Doss and Hugh Farr
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"I'll Hold You in My Heart," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"Over the Santa Fe Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"The Glendy Burk," (Stephen Foster) Sons of the Pioneers

February 6, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-228, 229

"Blue Ridge Mountain Blues," Sons of the Pioneers
"Whatcha Gonna Say to Peter," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"You Ain't Heard Nothin' Till You Hear Him Roarin'," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher
"The Little White Cloud That Cried," Betty Taylor
"Gold Mine in the Sky," Ken Curtis
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

February 7, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-230, 231
"Ride 'Em Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"If Teardrops Were Pennies," Betty Taylor
"Little Annie Rooney," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Indian Summer," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher
"Dolly Day," Sons of the Pioneers

February 8, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-232, 233
"Camptown Races," (Stephen Foster) Sons of the Pioneers
"Dengozo," Frankie Messina
"Old Rockin' Chair," (Willie James Clarke/Clarence Henry Reid) Hugh Farr Sings
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Lloyd Perryman
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"I'm Gonna Tie a Little String Around Your Finger," Betty Taylor
"Nancy Till," Sons of the Pioneers

February 11, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-234, 235
"Sioux City Sue," Sons of the Pioneers
"Sweet Sue," Hugh Farr
"Lead Me Gently Home," Sons of the Pioneers
"The Hangin' Blues," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"I'll Be Seeing You," Ken Curtis
"Sentimental Me," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

February 12, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-236, 237
"Detour," Sons of the Pioneers
"There'll Be Some Changes Made," Karl Farr
"I Told Them All about You," Lloyd Perryman
"Church Music," Sons of the Pioneers
"Blues for Dixie," Tommy Doss
"Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie," Sons of the Pioneers

February 13, 1952": Transcription Disc TR-238, 239
"There's a Blue Sky Way Up Yonder," Sons of the Pioneers
"Gay Ranchero," Frankie Messina
"Biscuit Blues," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Shame, Shame on You," Betty Taylor
"That Pioneers Mother of Mine," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cielito Lindo," (Carlos Fernandez) Sons of the Pioneers

February 14, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-240, 241
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing?" (Bob Nolan)
"Little Rock Getaway," Hugh Farr
"Falling Leaf," Lloyd Perryman
"Ramona," (L. Wolfe Gilbert/Mabel Wayne) Sons of the Pioneers
"Wedding Dolls," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Oh, Wasn't That a Wide River," Sons of the Pioneers
"Red Wing," Sons of the Pioneers

February 15, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-242, 243
"My Saddle Pals and I," Sons of the Pioneers
"Rose Room," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Spanish Cavalier" Sons of the Pioneers
"Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang," Sons of the Pioneers
"Fly Away Little Bluebird," Betty Taylor
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"You Are My Sunshine," Sons of the Pioneers

February 18, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-244, 245
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Sons of the Pioneers
"Blues in D," Sons of the Pioneers
"Tennessee Waltz," Sons of the Pioneers
"Slowpoke," Betty Taylor
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers
"Faithful Pal O' Mine," Lloyd Perryman
"Down Along the Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers

February 19, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-246, 247
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers
"Goofus," Hugh Farr
"Anytime," Ken Curtis
"My Heart Cries for You," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Let's Take an Old Fashioned Walk," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Ghost Riders," Sons of the Pioneers

February 20, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-248, 249
"Echoes From the Hills," Sons of the Pioneers
"Coquette," Karl Farr
"When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again" (Wiley Walker/Gene Sullivan) Betty Taylor
"Whispering Hope," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wait For the Wagon" (George P. Knauff/R. Bishop Buckley), Sons of the Pioneers
"Froggie Went a Courtin'," Shug Fisher
"Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers

February 21, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-250, 251
"Way Out There," Sons of the Pioneers
"Waggoner," Hugh Farr
"Goodwill," Sons of the Pioneers
"Moonlight Bay," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Lazy Bones," Hugh Farr
"Along the Navajo Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

February 22,1952: Transcription Disc TR-252, 253
"Idaho," Sons of the Pioneers
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Where Are You," Betty Taylor
"So Long to the Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers
"Charmaine," Lloyd Perryman
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

February 25, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-254, 255
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Dreamie Reverie," Karl Farr
"Cry," Ken Curtis
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Lloyd Perryman
"Ever True Ever More," Betty Taylor
"Ida Red," Sons of the Pioneers

February 26, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-256, 257
"Goin' Down to Santa Fe Town," Sons of the Pioneers
"Half Schottische," Hugh Farr
"Whiffenpoof Song," Sons of the Pioneers
"Lord You Made the Cowboy Happy," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Have I Stayed Away Too Long," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

February 27, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-258, 259
"Jim Crack Corn," Sons of the Pioneers
"Farewell Blues," Karl Farr
"Goodwill," Sons of the Pioneers
"Have You Ever Been Lonely," Betty Taylor
"Mona Lisa," Ken Curtis
"An Old Water Wheel," Lloyd Perryman and Tommy Doss

February 28, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-260, 261
"Blue Ridge Mountain Home," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cajon Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Forgive and Forget," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"I Follow the Stream," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Wagon Wheels," Hugh Farr
"Blue Juniata," Tommy Doss
"Oh! Susanna," (Stephen Foster) Sons of the Pioneers

February 29, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-262, 263
"Mojave," Sons of the Pioneers
"Skinner's Sock," Hugh Farr
"All God's Chillun Got Rhythm," Betty Taylor
"Shrimp Boats," Sons of the Pioneers
"Jeannine I Dream of Lilac Time," Sons of the Pioneers
"Carry Me Back to the Lone Prairie," Sons of the Pioneers

March 3, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-264, 265
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Exactly Like You," Karl Farr
"Careless Kisses," Betty Taylor
"May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Mr. and Mississippi," Sons of the Pioneers
"Old Pioneers," Tommy Doss

March 4, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-266, 267
"Cody of the Pony Express," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"China Boy," Hugh Farr
"Tag Along," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"My Best to You," Tommy Doss
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher
"Raindrops," Sons of the Pioneers
"Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet," (Stanley Murphy/Percy Wenrich) Sons of the Pioneers

March 5, 1952 (special Cindy Walker program): Transcription Disc TR-268, 269
"Tater Pie," Sons of the Pioneers
"Undecided," Frankie Messina
"Eagle's Heart," Lloyd Perryman
"You're From Texas," Hugh Farr
"Take Me in Your Arms and Hold Me," Hugh Farr
"I Was Just Walkin' Out the Door," Ken Curtis
"Thingamajig," Cindy Walker

March 6, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-270, 271
"Saddle the Sun," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"After You've Gone," Frankie Messina
"Sin," Ken Curtis
"What'll I Do," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Kentucky," Sons of the Pioneers
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss

March 7, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-272, 273
"Columbus Stockade Blues," Sons of the Pioneers
"Bugle Call Rag," Sons of the Pioneers
"You Will Never Grow Old," Betty Taylor
"You Ain't Heard Nothin' Till You Hear Him Roar," (Bob Nolan) Pat Brady
"Lucky Old Sun," Lloyd Perryman
"Goin' Home," Sons of the Pioneers

March 10, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-274, 275
"Cowboys and Indians," Sons of the Pioneers
"The World is Waiting for the Sunshine," Karl Farr
"Little White Cloud That Cried," Lloyd Perryman
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers
"Come What May," Betty Taylor
"Hello Way Up There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Hot Time in New Orleans Tonight," Sons of the Pioneers

March 11, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-276, 277
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan)?
"Lady Be Good," Hugh Farr
"The Lord's Prayer," Sons of the Pioneers
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Grasshopper Heart," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Cowboy's Life for Me," Lloyd Perryman

March 12, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-278, 279
"I Got Spurs That Jingle," Sons of the Pioneers
"Get Happy," Frankie Messina
"In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," Betty Taylor
"Silver on the Sage," Ken Curtis
"Gooseberry Pie," Shug Fisher
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

March 13, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-280, 281
"Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad," Sons of the Pioneers
"Covered Wagon Rolled Right Along," Sons of the Pioneers
"Up the Lazy River," Karl Farr
"On the Banks of the Sunny San Juan," Sons of the Pioneers
"You and I," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"I'm an Old Cow Hand," Sons of the Pioneers

March 14, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-282, 283
"Night Train to Memphis," Sons of the Pioneers
"Humoresque," (Dvořák) Sons of the Pioneers
"Throw a Saddle on a Star," (Andy Parker/Caldwell/Nordyke) Ken Curtis
"I Love You So Much," Betty Taylor
"A Summer Night's Rain," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers

March 17, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-284, 285
"MacNamara's Band," Sons of the Pioneers
"Irish Washerwoman," Hugh Farr
"Down By the Glen Side," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"It's a Great Day For the Irish," Betty Taylor and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Minstrel Boy," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Peggy O'Neil," Sons of the Pioneers

18 March 1952. Transcription Disc TR-286, 287
"Waiting for the Robert E. Lee,"  (Lewis F. Muir and L. Wolfe Gilbert) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Heartbreak Hill," Sons of the Pioneers and Ken Curtis.
"Summertime," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Does Your Heart Beat for Me," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Strawberry Blonde on a Strawberry Roan," Sons of the Pioneers.

March 18, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-288, 289
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Seeing Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party) (James Fletcher/Francis Kyle)" Karl Farr
"Land Beyond the Sun," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Crazy Heart," Betty Taylor
"Close to Heaven," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Little Brown Jug,"  (R. A. Eastburn) Sons of the Pioneers

March 20, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-290, 291
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Deed I Do," Hugh Farr
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
I'll See You in my Dreams" (Gus Kahn/Isham Jones), Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"Is it True What They Say About Dixie," Hugh Farr
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

March 21, 1952 (special Guest Rex Allen): Transcription Disc TR-292, 293
"Goin' Back to Texas," Sons of the Pioneers
"Hawaiian War Chant," Frankie Messina
"Please Mr. Sun," Ken Curtis
"Twilight on the Trail" (Sidney D. Mitchell/Louis Alter), Rex Allen
"Down the Trail of Aching Hearts," Betty Taylor
"When Day is Done," Sons of the Pioneers

March 24, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-294, 295
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Avalon," Hugh Farr
"Waltz of the Roses," Sons of the Pioneers
"Diesel Smoke," Sons of the Pioneers
"One Sweet Letter From You," Betty Taylor
"Soldier's Joy," Sons of the Pioneers
"Barnyard Jubilee," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

March 25, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-296, 297
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers
"Limehouse Blues," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Always,"  (Irving Berlin)  Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"Almost," Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Old Sod Shanty on My Claim," Sons of the Pioneers
"Followin' the Sun," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

March 26, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-298, 299
"Chisholm Trail," Sons of the Pioneers
"Blue Tango," Frankie Messina
"Prairie Serenade," Sons of the Pioneers
"You Broke My Heart Little Darlin'," Betty Taylor
"Church in the Wildwood," Sons of the Pioneers
"Diesel Smoke," Sons of the Pioneers

March 27, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-300, 301
"On the Rhythm Range," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"South in My Soul," Karl Farr
"Star of Hope," Tommy Doss, Lloyd Perryman, and Betty Taylor
"Sunrise on the Prairie," Ken Curtis
"What This Country Needs," Hugh Farr and Tommy Doss
"Soldier's Joy," Sons of the Pioneers and Hugh Farr

March 28, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-302, 303
"My Saddle Pals and I," Sons of the Pioneers
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wishing," Betty Taylor
"Too Old to Cut the Mustard," Shug Fisher
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Old Buttermilk Sky," Ken Curtis
"Diesel Smoke," Sons of the Pioneers

March 31, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-304, 305
"Idaho-Ho," Sons of the Pioneers
"Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina
"Trail of the Lonesome Pine," Betty Taylor
"Swanee River," Hugh Farr
"Move on You Lazy Cattle," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Whispering Hope," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wahoo," Sons of the Pioneers

April 1, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-306, 307
"When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wonderous Word," Hugh Farr, Ken Curtis, and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Singing in the Rain," Betty Taylor
"Half Pint Head," Dink Swink
"Wheel of Fortune," Lloyd Perryman
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Tommy Doss

April 2, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-308, 309
"Ida Red," Sons of the Pioneers
"Aha San Antone," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis
"Red River Valley," Betty Taylor
"Blues in D," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Grab Your Saddle Horn and Blow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers

April 3, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-310, 311
"Silver Bell," Sons of the Pioneers
"Coquette," Karl Farr
"Love Song of the Waterfall," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Harbor Lights," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers
"My Adobe Hacienda," (Louise Massey/Lee Penny) Sons of the Pioneers

April 4, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-312, 313
"Roundup Time Is Over," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"You Must Come in at the Door," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Little White Cloud That Cried," Lloyd Perryman
"By the Light of the Silvery Moon," (Ed Madden/Gus Evans)  Betty Taylor
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss
"Wanderers of the Wasteland," Sons of the Pioneers

April 7, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-314, 315
"Deep in the Heart of Texas," Sons of the Pioneers
"Thinkin' of You," Hugh Farr
"Sentimental Me," Betty Taylor
"Ridin' Home," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman
"Song of the Trail," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Blue Ridge Mountain Blues," Sons of the Pioneers

April 8, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-316, 317
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Sons of the Pioneers
"Steel Guitar Rag," Karl Farr
"Anytime," Ken Curtis
"You'll Never Grow Old," Betty Taylor
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Ezekiel Saw de Wheel," Sons of the Pioneers

April 9, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-318, 319
"Chuckawalla Swing," Sons of the Pioneers
"Good Will," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Want to be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," Betty Taylor
"I Told Them All About You," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"There's a Blue Sky Away Out Yonder," Sons of the Pioneers

April 10, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-320, 321
"Ridin' Old Paint and Leadin' Old Bald," Sons of the Pioneers
"Jesse Polka," Frankie Messina
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Honest and Truly," Betty Taylor
"Skip to My Lou," Sons of the Pioneers

April 11, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-322, 323
"Take Me Back to Tulsa," Sons of the Pioneers
"Saddle Up," Sons of the Pioneers
"Here Comes Peter Cottontail," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor
"Don Juan," Sons of the Pioneers
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers
"The Lord's Prayer," Sons of the Pioneers

April 14, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-324, 325
"Chuck Wagon Blues," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cajon Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Keep a Light in Your Window," Lloyd Perryman and Tommy Doss
"September Song," Ken Curtis
"Land Beyond the Sun," Hugh Farr, Ken Curtis, and the Sons of the Pioneers
"The New Frontier," Sons of the Pioneers

April 15, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-326, 327
"Mojave," Sons of the Pioneers
"Timber Trail," Tommy Doss
"I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen," (Thomas P. Westendorf) Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Ho-Le-O," Sons of the Pioneers
"No Letter Today," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Down Along the Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers

April 16, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-328
"The Home Corral," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers. ("A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan))
"Lady of Spain," Frankie Messina
"Fandango," Shug Fisher
"You've Got Me Wrapped Around Your Finger," Betty Taylor
"Beautiful Dreamer," (Stephen Foster)  Lloyd Perryman
"Rolling Dust," Sons of the Pioneers
"Nancy Till," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers

April 17, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-329, 330
"Echoes From the Hills," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Whistlin' Rufus," Hugh Farr
"For Me and My Gal," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman

April 18, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-331, 332
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers
"Runnin' Wild," Sons of the Pioneers
"Star of Hope," Lloyd Perryman, Tommy Doss, and Betty Taylor
"Always You," Ken Curtis
"There's a Long, Long Trail A-Winding," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cody of the Pony Express," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

April 21, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-333, 334
"Ragtime Cowboy Joe," (Grant Clarke/Lewis F Muir/Maurice Abrahams) Sons of the Pioneers
"Blue Tango," Frankie Messina
"Teardrops in My Heart," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"You Call Everybody Darling," Betty Taylor
"Roundup in the Sky," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl," Sons of the Pioneers

April 22, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-335, 336
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Hillbilly Weddin' in June," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman
"Roses," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers
"My Happiness," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers
"Song of the Pioneers," Sons of the Pioneers

April 23, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-337, 338
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers
"Honeysuckle Rose," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr
"Lucky Old Sun," Sons of the Pioneers
"You Are My Sunshine," Betty Taylor
"Plain Old Plains," Tommy Doss
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers

April 24, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-339, 340
"Yippe Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers
"Exactly Like You," Karl Farr
"Lie Low Little Dogies," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Along the Santa Fe Trail," Ken Curtis
"Butterfingers," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Seeing Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party)" (James Fletcher/Francis Kyle) Sons of the Pioneers

April 25, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-341, 342
"Cielito Lindo," (Carlos Fernandez) Sons of the Pioneers
"Sleepy Time Down South," Hugh Farr
"Bonaparte's Retreat," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Trees," Sons of the Pioneers
"Life is a Beautiful Thing," Betty Taylor
"Cindy," Sons of the Pioneers

April 28, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-343, 344
"Don't Fence Me In," Sons of the Pioneers
"Saddle Up," Sons of the Pioneers
"Tennessee Waltz," Sons of the Pioneers
"St. Louis Blues," Hugh Farr
"There's a New Moon Over My Shoulder," (Jimmie Davis/Ekko Whelan/Lee Blastic) Betty Taylor
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers

April 29, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-345, 346
"When the Bloom is on the Sage," Sons of the Pioneers
"Wabash Blues," Karl Farr
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Lloyd Perryman
"Lights Out," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"Blacksmith Blues," Ken Curtis
"Columbus Stockade Blues," Sons of the Pioneers

April 30, 1952. Transcription Disc TR-347, 348
"Sagebrush Symphony," Sons of the Pioneers
"Sensation," Hugh Farr
"My Best to You," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Little Red Wagon," Betty Taylor
"I Remember the Cornfields," Lloyd Perryman
"In the Cumberland Mountains," Sons of the Pioneers

May 1, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-349, 350
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers
"After You've Gone," Frankie Messina
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers
"Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Get the Blues When it Rains," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman
"New River Train," Sons of the Pioneers

May 2, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-351, 352
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers
"Cowpoke," Lloyd Perryman
"Some of These Days," Karl Farr
"Dear Hearts and Gentle People," Betty Taylor
"The Wheel of Fortune," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers
"At the End of the Lane," Sons of the Pioneers

May 5, 1952: Transcription Disc TR-353, 354
"Out on the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers
"I Told Them All about You," Sons of the Pioneers
"Waltz of the Roses," Sons of the Pioneers
"Chimney Smoke," Betty Taylor
"Please Mr. Sun," Ken Curtis
"Wait for the Wagon" (George P. Knauff/R. Bishop Buckley), Sons of the Pioneers

6 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-355, 356
"Tater Pie," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dixieland Jazz Band," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I'll Never Be Free," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"No More," Lloyd Perryman.
"Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Betsy from Pike," Sons of the Pioneers.

7 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-357, 358
"Cody of the Pony Express," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dreamy Reverie," Karl Farr.
"Stardust," Ken Curtis.
"Put Your Shoes on Lucy," Betty Taylor.
"Wagon Wheels," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Oh Susanna," (Stephen Foster) Sons of the Pioneers.

8 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-359, 360
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers.
"That's a Plenty," Frankie Messina.
"Serenade of a Cowboy," Lloyd Perryman.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Marshmallow Moon," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Goin' Home," Sons of the Pioneers.

9 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-361, 362
"Sioux City Sue," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Oh, Wasn't That a Wide River," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Bring Your Roses to Her Now," Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Mother's Eyes," Betty Taylor.
"Gold Star Mother," Sons of the Pioneers.

12 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-363, 364
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dreamer with a Penny," Betty Taylor.
"Pioneer Mother," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"When the Bees Are in the Hive," Sons of the Pioneers.

13 May 1952. Gold Deed Winner: Marty Robbins. Transcription Disc TR-365, 366
"Ride 'Em Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Just an Old Fashioned Locket and a Curl," Lloyd Perryman.
"Far Away Places," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Up a Lazy River" (Hoagy Carmichael / Sidney Arodin) Karl Farr.
"Dolly Day," Sons of the Pioneers.

14 May 1952.Transcription Disc TR-367, 368

15 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-369, 370
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Brown Jug," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Cottage in the Clouds," (Bob Nolan & Lloyd Perryman) Lloyd Perryman.
"Yearning," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Wagons West," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

16 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-371, 372
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dreamer with a Penny," Betty Taylor.
"Pioneers Mother," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"When the Bees Are in the Hive," Sons of the Pioneers.

19 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-373, 374
"Wahoo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Undecided," Frankie Messina.
"Ride Ranger Ride," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Must Have Been Out of My Mind," Betty Taylor.
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Heartbreak Hill," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," Sons of the Pioneers.

20 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-375, 376
"Silver Bells," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lady Be Good," Hugh Farr.
"Copper Canyon," Betty Taylor.
"Diesel Smoke," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When Day is Done," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Polly Wolly Doodle," Sons of the Pioneers.

21 May 1952. Special Guest Jack Berch. Transcription Disc TR-377, 378
"There's a Rainbow Over the Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Down Yonder," Tommy Doss.
"Hey Good Lookin'," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Jack Berch and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Bless This House," Jack Berch and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Texas Tornado," Sons of the Pioneers.

22 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-379, 380
"Chisholm Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wagons Westward Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Night Falls on the Prairie," (Bob Nolan/Lloyd Perryman) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Shine on Harvest Moon,"  (Nora Bayes / Jack Norworth) Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Gotta Get Me Somebody to Love," Betty Taylor.
"Blue Juniata," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.

23 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-381, 382
"Tweedle O' Twill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Gal I Left Behind Me," Hugh Farr.
"Melody from the Sky," Lloyd Perryman.
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Penny a Kiss," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Westward Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.

26 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-383, 384
"Jimmy Crack Corn," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Clarinet Polka," Frankie Messina.
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sunday," Betty Taylor.
"Utah Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.

27 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-385, 386
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Anytime," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Juanita," (Caroline Norton arr.) Sons of the Pioneers.
"At the Rainbows's End," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Carolina in the Morning," Betty Taylor, Lloyd Perryman, and Tommy Doss.
"When You Wore a Tulip," Sons of the Pioneers.

28 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-387, 388
"Cimarron,"  (Johnny Bond) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Tennessee Saturday Night," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"When it's Springtime in the Rockies" (Mary Hale Woolsey / Robert Sauer & Milt Taggart) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Crawdad Song," Shug Fisher.
"I'll String Along With You," Betty Taylor.
"Where the Rio Rolls Along," (Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.

29 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-389, 390
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk - Brooks Copeland - Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Bye Bye Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"South of the Border," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ethel My Clam Digger Sweetheart," Dink Swink.
"Gimme a Little Kiss," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"When the Golden Train Comes Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

30 May 1952. Transcription Disc TR-391, 392
"Camptown Races,"  (Stephen Foster)  Sons of the Pioneers.
"Covered Wagon Rolled Right Along," Betty Taylor and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"America Forever," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Be Anything, But Be Mine," Betty Taylor.
"Little White Cross," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.

2 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-393, 394
"Night Train for Memphis," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Rim of the Canyon," Ken Curtis.
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Sons of the Pioneers.
"There's a Cloud in My Valley of Sunshine," Betty Taylor.
"Way Out West in Kansas," Sons of the Pioneers.

3 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-395, 396
"When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Rose Room," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Thinkin' of You," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wagons West," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lead Me Gently Home," Sons of the Pioneers.

4 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-397, 398
"Chuck Wagon Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Listen to the Mocking Bird," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Leanin' on the Old Top Rail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stolen Love," Betty Taylor.
"Open Up Them Pearly Gates," Sons of the Pioneers.

5 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-399, 400
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sundown," Karl Farr.
"Empty Saddles," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Followin' the Sun All Day," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Goin' Back to Texas," Sons of the Pioneers.

6 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-401, 402
"Take Me Back to Tulsa," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Aha San Antone," Ken Curtis, Shug Fisher, and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Mystery of His Way," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dime a Dozen," Betty Taylor.
"Red Wing," Sons of the Pioneers.

9 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-403, 404
"Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whistlin' Rufus," Karl Farr.
"Ridin' Home," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher.
"Ghost Riders," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Star of Hope," Betty Taylor, Lloyd Perryman, and Tommy Doss.
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Rollin' Dust," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in D," Karl Farr.

10 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-405, 406
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan)
"Texas Skiparoo," Hugh Farr.
"I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen," (Thomas P. Westendorf) Ken Curtis.
"Little Red Wagon," Betty Taylor.
"Have I Told You Lately That I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Who Me," Shug Fisher.
"Sky Ball Paint," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

11 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-407, 408
"Cimmaron," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Cat," Shug Fisher.
"How High the Moon," Betty Taylor.
"Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina.
"Timber Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.

12 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-409, 410
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cajon Stomp," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Them There Eyes," Betty Taylor.
"Half Pint Head," Dink Swink.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

13 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-411, 412
"Buffalo Gal," Sons of the Pioneers.
"There'll Be Some Changes Made," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Long Ago and Far Away," Ken Curtis.
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr.
"Wabash Cannonball," Betty Taylor.
"Hills of Old Wyoming," Sons of the Pioneers.
"So Long," Sons of the Pioneers

16 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-413, 414
"Out On the Open range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"How High the Moon," Frankie Messina.
"My Gal is Purple," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Erie Canal," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Kentucky Waltz," Betty Taylor.
"Down Along the Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers.

17 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-415, 416
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cattle Call," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Owl Lullaby," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers.

18 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-417, 418
"Roll Along Jordan," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Shine," Hugh Farr.
"A Summer Night's Rain," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whispering Wind," Betty Taylor.
"Silver Bell," Sons of the Pioneers.

19 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-419, 420
"Hear Dem Bells," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Sons of the Pioneers.
"If I Had My Way," Lloyd Perryman.
"Foggy River," Betty Taylor.
"Trail Dreamin'," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"When the Sun Goes Down Again," Sons of the Pioneers.

20 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-421, 422
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr.
"On the Rhythm Range," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Let's Go West Again," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Double Shuffle," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"The Boss is Hangin' out a Rainbow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

23 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-423, 424
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Whippoorwills.
"Tea For Two," Whippoorwills.
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Whippoorwills.
"Slow Poke," Betty Taylor.
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Lover," Frankie Messina and Noel Boggs.
"Get On Board Little Chillun'," Whippoorwills.

24 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-425, 426
"Buffalo Gal," Whippoorwills.
"Robin's Nest," Whippoorwills.
"Whispering Wind," Whippoorwills.
"Steel Guitar Rag," Noel Boggs.
"Lucky Old Sun," Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"I'll String Along With You," Betty Taylor.
"Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree," Whippoorwills.

25 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-427, 428
"Tweedle O'Twill," Whippoorwills.
"Holiday for Strings," Whippoorwills.
"Ridin' Down the Canyon," Betty Taylor.
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Wabash Blues," Noel Boggs.
"Blue Raindrops," Sweet Georgia Brown and the Whippoorwills.
"Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," Whippoorwills.

26 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-429, 430
"Bile Dem Cabbage Down," Whippoorwills.
"Air Mail Special," Whippoorwills.
"Blue Shadows on the Trail," Whippoorwills.
"Be Anything but be Mine," Betty Taylor.
"Hello Way Up There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Panhandle Rag," Noel Boggs and Frankie Messina.
"Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinah," Whippoorwills.

27 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-431, 432
"Bye Bye Blackbird," Whippoorwills.
"Eager Beaver," Whippoorwills.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home," Betty Taylor.
"Prairie Echoes," Whippoorwills.
"Sheik of Araby," Frankie Messina and Noel Boggs.
"Behold the Bridegroom Cometh," Whippoorwills.

30 June 1952. Transcription Disc TR-433, 434
"Tabby the Cat," Whippoorwills.
"Section 8," Whippoorwills.
"Anytime," Betty Taylor.
"Trouble Trouble," Whippoorwills.
"Hills of Old Wyoming," Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Liza," Frankie Messina and Noel Boggs.
"Oh Mary Don't You Weep," Whippoorwills.

1 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-435, 436
"Hard Life Blues," Whippoorwills.
"Jazz It Blues," Whippoorwills.
"Now and Then," Whippoorwills.
"Have You Ever Been Lonely," Betty Taylor and Sweet Georgia Brown.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Moonlight on the Ganges," Noel Boggs.
"Breezin' Along with the Breeze," Whippoorwills.

2 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-437, 438
"Stay a Little Longer," Whippoorwills.
"Flyin' Home," Whippoorwills.
"I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," Betty Taylor.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Moi Chimes," Noel Boggs.
"That's My Desire," Sweet Georgia Brown and the Whippoorwills.
"Didn't Old Pharoah Get Lost," Whippoorwills.

3 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-439, 440
"Peachy Pie," Whippoorwills.
"Jerry Dance," Whippoorwills.
"Blue Raindrops," Whippoorwills.
"I Was Just Walkin' Out the Door," Betty Taylor.
"Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Avalon," Noel Boggs and Frankie Messina.
"Ole Time Religion," Whippoorwills.

4 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-441, 442
"I Hear You Knockin' But You Can't Come In," Whippoorwills.
"Teardrops from My Eyes," Betty Taylor.
"Alabamy Bound," Noel Boggs.
"America Forever," Sons of the Pioneers Record.
"Brazil," Whippoorwills.
"Walkin' with You," Whippoorwills.
"A Beautiful Life," Whippoorwills.

14 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-443, 444
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in D," Karl Farr.
"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat," Shug Fisher.
"I'm Confessin' That I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Almost," Lloyd Perryman.
"When day is Done," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

15 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-445, 446
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers.
"At Sundown," Karl Farr.
"Old Pioneer," Sons of the Pioneers.
"No. 10 Lullaby Lane," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Twilight on the Trail" (Sidney D. Mitchell/Louis Alter), Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wait For the Wagon" (George P. Knauff/R. Bishop Buckley), Sons of the Pioneers.

16 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-447, 448
"Cielito Lindo," (Carlos Fernandez) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Up," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Down By the Glenside," Ken Curtis.
"Baby Doll," Betty Taylor.
"At the Rainbow's End," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ida Red," Sons of the Pioneers.

18 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-449, 450
"When the Bloom is on the Sage,"Sons of the Pioneers.
"Song of the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Beautiful Ohio," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor.
"I'll Take you Home Again Kathleen," (Thomas P. Westendorf) Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"What This Country Needs," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Nellie Bly," Sons of the Pioneers.

28 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-451, 452
"There's an Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Away Blues," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher.
"Moonlight in Vermont," Betty Taylor.
"At the End of the Lane," Sons of the Pioneers.

29 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-453, 454
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dolly Day," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Back Home in Indiana," Betty Taylor.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"An Old Water Mill," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"Westward Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.

30 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-455, 456
"Echoes From the Hills," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Skinner's Sock," Hugh Farr.
"Blue Tango," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Busy Body," Betty Taylor.
"I'll Walk Home," Ken Curtis.

31 July 1952. Transcription Disc TR-457, 458
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Limehouse Blues," Karl Farr.
"Crazy 'Cause I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Timber Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hello Way Up There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Waltz of the Roses," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers.

1 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-459, 460
"Tater Pie," Sons of the Pioneers.
"On the Alamo," Hugh Farr.
"Whoop-Dee-Doo," Betty Taylor.
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"New Frontier," Sons of the Pioneers.

4 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-461, 462
"Take Me Back to Tulsa," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Pioneer Mother," Lloyd Perryman.
"Like Takin' Candy From a Baby," Betty Taylor.
"Room Full of Roses," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Where the Rio Rolls Along," (Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.

5 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-463, 464
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Brothers Stomp," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Far Away Places," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Mom and Dad Waltz," Betty Taylor.
"Happy Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Oh! Susanna," (Stephen Foster) Sons of the Pioneers.

6 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-465, 466
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk - Brooks Copeland - Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"San Fernando Valley," Betty Taylor.
"Jeannine I Dream of Lilac Time," Ken Curtis and Lloyd Perryman.
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan)
"Goin' Home," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stardust," Ken Curtis.

8 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-467, 468
"My Saddle Pals and I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jealous Heart," Betty Taylor.
"Beautiful Dreamer," (Stephen Foster)  Lloyd Perryman.
"Somewhere in Utah," Ken Curtis and Lloyd Perryman.
"Wait for the Moon," Sons of the Pioneers.

11 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-469, 470
"Rainbow," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lazy Bones," Hugh Farr.
"Roundup Time is Over," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Forgive Me," Betty Taylor.
"Million Memories," Ken Curtis.
"Barnyard Jubilee," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

12 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-471, 472
"Buffalo Gal," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Do You Ever Think of Me," Frankie Messina.
"Whistle My Love," Betty Taylor.
"Cowpoke," Lloyd Perryman.
"Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Must Come in at the Door," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.

13 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-473, 474
"Yippe Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine," Betty Taylor.
"The Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Waiting for the Robert E. Lee,"  (Lewis F. Muir and L. Wolfe Gilbert) Sons of the Pioneers.

14 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-475, 476
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina.
"Always You," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Star of Hope," Betty Taylor, Tommy Doss, and Lloyd Perryman.
"Wagons Westward Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dreamy Reverie," Karl Farr.
"Seeing Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party)" (James Fletcher/Francis Kyle) Sons of the Pioneers.

15 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-477, 478
"Deep in the Heart of Texas," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Delicado," Frankie Messina.
"I'm Yours," Ken Curtis.
"A Summer Night's Rain," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Goody Goody," Betty Taylor.
"Wait Till the Sun Shines," Sons of the Pioneers.

18 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-479, 480
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Avalon," Hugh Farr.
"Don't Ever be Afraid to go Home," Betty Taylor.
"Touch of God's Hand," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers.

19 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-481, 482
"When the Prairie Sun Says Good Morning," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Betsy From Pike," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Moon Over Miami," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Plain Old Plains," Tommy Doss.
"There's a Long, Long Trail."

20 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-483, 484
"Mojave," Sons of the Pioneers.
"It's Dark Outside," Ken Curtis.
"Till the End of the World," Betty Taylor.
"Take Me Back to My Boots and Saddle," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Red Wing," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

21 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-485, 486
"Tumbling Tumbleweeds," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Idaho," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Up," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Happiness," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.

22 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-487, 488
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"Walkin' to Missouri," Betty Taylor.
"Molly Darlin'," Lloyd Perryman.
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"So Long," Sons of the Pioneers.

23 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-489, 490
"Night Train to Memphis," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Listen to the Mockingbird," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Oh How I Miss You Tonight," Betty Taylor.
"I Ride an Old Paint," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr.
"Moonlight on the Prairie," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Where the Morning Glories Grow," Sons of the Pioneers.

26 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-491, 492
"Old Black Mountain Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Delicado," Frankie Messina.
"Give Me More, More, More," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"God's Little Candles," Lloyd Perryman.
"You Tell Me Your Dream" (Daniels/Brown/Rice - 1899)(Daniels/Gus Kahn-1928 Re-Working) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Smiles," Sons of the Pioneers.

27 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-493, 494
"Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet," (Stanley Murphy/Percy Wenrich) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Half Schottische," Hugh Farr.
"Don't Be Lonely," Betty Taylor.
"Watermelon Weather," Ken Curtis.
"Heartbreak Hill," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Told Them All About You," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.

28 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-495, 496
"Highways Are Happy Ways," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in D," Karl Farr.
"Somewhere Along the Way," Lloyd Perryman.
"Goin' on a Hayride," Betty Taylor.
"Whistlin' Rufus," Hugh Farr.
"Blues Keep Following Me," Sons of the Pioneers (Shug Fisher Tune).
"Bees Are in the Hive," Sons of the Pioneers.

29 August 1952. Transcription Disc TR-497, 498
"Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Fare Ye Well, Lulabelle," Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Swingin' Down the Lane," Betty Taylor.
"Lead Me Gently Home," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Should Care," Ken Curtis.
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers.

1 September 1952. Transcription Disc TR-499, 500
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher,
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home," Betty Taylor.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

2 September 1952. Transcription Disc TR-501, 502
"Ida Red," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Timber Trail," Tommy Doss.
"The Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"It's a Lie," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"When I Grow Too Old to Dream," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Cajon Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Move Along You Lazy Cattle," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

3 September 1952. Transcription Disc TR-503, 504
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Ken Curtis and Hugh Farr.
"Stardust," Ken Curtis.
"Crazy 'Cause I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Wabash Blues," Karl Farr.
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

4 September 1952. Transcription Disc TR-505, 506
"Texas Tornado," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Covered Wagon Rolled Right Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I'll Never be Free," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"Fire in the Mountain," Hugh Farr.
"Almost," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.

5 September 1952. Transcription Disc TR-507, 508
"Detour," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Texas Skiparoo," Hugh Farr.
"Auf Wiederseh'n," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Half as Much," Betty Taylor.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wagon Wheels," Hugh Farr.
"Ridin' Old Paint, Leadin' Old Bald," Sons of the Pioneers.

8 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-509, 510
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cajon Stomp," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"I Remember the Cornfields," Lloyd Perryman.
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home," Betty Taylor.
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"When You Wore a Tulip," Sons of the Pioneers.

9 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-511, 512
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk - Brooks Copeland - Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cornflower," Hugh Farr.
"Rim of the Canyon," Ken Curtis.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Getting to Know You," Betty Taylor.
"It's a Lie," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

10 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-513, 514
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in A," Karl Farr.
"Grasshopper Heart," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dust," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

13 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-515, 516
"Cowboys and Indians," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Bugle Call Rag," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Room Full of Roses," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Parody on Room Full of Roses," Shug Fisher.
"Trail Dreamin'," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Any Time," Betty Taylor.
"Ridin' Old Paint, Leadin' Old Bald," Sons of the Pioneers.

14 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-517, 518
"Rocky Roads," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Never Knew," Hugh Farr.
"What This Country Needs," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Somewhere Along the Way," Lloyd Perryman.
"Crazy 'Cause I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers.

15 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-519, 520
"Out on the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whatcha Gonna Say to Peter," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Let Me Share Your Name," Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Ain't Heard Nothin' Till You Hear Him Roarin'," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"Wish You Were Here," Betty Taylor.
"You Belong to Me," Ken Curtis.
"Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers.

16 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-521, 522
"Ride 'Em Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Farr Away Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Wagon Wheels," Sons of the Pioneers.
"If Teardrops Were Pennies," Betty Taylor.
"Teardrops in My Heart," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Timber Trail," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Utah Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.

17 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-523, 524
"Camptown Races,"  (Stephen Foster)  Sons of the Pioneers.
"After You've Gone," Frankie Messina.
"Rollin' Dust," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blue Tango," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Baby Doll," Betty Taylor.
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

20 October 1952.
"Sioux City Sue," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Sue," Hugh Farr.
"Lead Me Gently Home, Father," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Song of the Trail," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Went to Your Wedding," Ken Curtis.
"Sentimental Me," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
Transcription Disc TR-525, 526

21 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-527, 528
"Detour," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr.
"I Told Them All About You," Lloyd Perryman.
"May the Lord Bless and Keep You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Don't Want to Be Free," Betty Taylor.
"Home in San Antone," Tommy Doss.
"Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie," Sons of the Pioneers.

22 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-529, 530
"There's a Blue Sky Way Out Yonder," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Gay Ranchero," Frankie Messina.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher.
"Blue Prairie," (Tim Spencer & Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"By the Light of the Silvery Moon," (Ed Madden/Gus Evans)  Betty Taylor.
"Always You," Ken Curtis.
"Cielito Lindo," (Carlos Fernandez) Sons of the Pioneers.

23 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-531, 532
"Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan)
"Shine," Hugh Farr.
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Ken Curtis.
"Up a Lazy River" (Hoagy Carmichael / Sidney Arodin) Karl Farr.
"Ramona,"  (L. Wolfe Gilbert / Mabel Wayne) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Song of the Bandit," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wedding Dolls," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Oh Wasn't That a Wide River," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Red Wing," Sons of the Pioneers.

24 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-533, 534
"My Saddle Pals and I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Rose Room," Karl Farr.
"Lucky Old Sun,"Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Handsome Stranger," Betty Taylor.
"Chicken Reel," Hugh Farr.
"Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Are My Sunshine," Sons of the Pioneers.

27 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-535, 536
"Roundup Time is Over," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Up," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Tennessee Waltz," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Karl Farr.
"Two Seated Saddle," Betty Taylor.
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Plain Old Plains," Tommy Doss.
"Ragtime Cowboy Joe," (Grant Clarke/Lewis F Muir & Maurice Abrahams) Sons of the Pioneers.

28 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-537, 538
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Goofus," Hugh Farr.
"Along the Santa Fe Trail," Ken Curtis.
"My Heart Cries For You," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Let's Take an Old Fashioned Walk," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Betsy From Pike," Sons of the Pioneers.

29 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-539, 540
"Echoes From the Hills," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Coquette," Karl Farr.
"Whispering Hope," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When the Moon Turns to Gold," Betty Taylor.
"Boss is Hanging Out a Rainbow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Froggy Went a Courtin'," Shug Fisher.
"Wait For the Wagon" (George P. Knauff/R. Bishop Buckley), Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.

30 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-541, 542
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Soldier's Joy," Hugh Farr.
"Moonlight Bay," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Goodwill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lazy Bones," Hugh Farr.
"Along the Navajo Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Your Worries to the Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

31 October 1952. Transcription Disc TR-543, 544
"Idaho Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dreamy Reverie," Karl Farr.
"Hillbilly Weddin' in June," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ever True Ever More," Betty Taylor.
"Ida Red," Sons of the Pioneers.

3 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-545, 546
"Goin' Down to Santa Fe Town," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Whiffenpoof Song," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jambalaya," Betty Taylor.
"Lord You Make the Cowboy Happy," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

4 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-547, 548
"Blue Ridge Mountain Home," Sons of the Pioneers.
"On the Alamo," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Them There Eyes," Betty Taylor.
"I Follow the Stream," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"If You Hadn't Gone Away," Lloyd Perryman.
"Blue Juniata," Tommy Doss.
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

5 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-549, 550
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Some of These Days," Karl Farr.
"Moon Country," Hugh Farr.
"Old Pioneers," Tommy Doss.
"Careless Kisses," Betty Taylor.
"You Belong to Me," Ken Curtis.
"Blue Shadows on the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.

6 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-551, 552
"Cody of the Pony Express," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"China Boy," Hugh Farr.
"Tag Along," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"My Best to You," Tommy Doss.
"I Tawt I Saw a Puddy Tat," Shug Fisher.
"God's Little Candles," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet," (Stanley Murphy/Percy Wenrich) Sons of the Pioneers.

7 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-553, 554
"Saddle the Sun," (Bob Nolan & Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jessie Polka," Frankie Messina.
"Forgive and Forget," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"I Went to Your Wedding," Ken Curtis.
"Tennessee Saturday Night," Tommy Doss, Ken Curtis, and Lloyd Perryman.

10 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-555, 556
"Mojave," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wabash Blues," Karl Farr.
"Somewhere Along the Way," Lloyd Perryman.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Mississippi," Betty Taylor.
"Rock Me to Sleep in My Rocky Mountain Home," (Fred Howard - Nat Vincent - Billy Hill  - William Raskin)

Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hello Way Up There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

11 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-557, 558
"I Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Get Happy," Frankie Messina.
"Among My Souvenirs," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Shade of the Old Apple Tree," Betty Taylor.
"Blue Bonnet Girl," Lloyd Perryman.
"Gooseberry Pie," Shug Fisher.
"Little White Cross," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.

12 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-559, 560
"Waitin' For the Robert E. Lee," (Lewis F. Muir and L. Wolfe Gilbert) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Silver on the Sage," Ken Curtis.
"Summertime," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Chuckawalla Swing," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Does Your Heart Beat For Me," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Empty Saddles," Sons of the Pioneers.

13 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-561, 562
"Little Brown Jug," (R. A. Eastburn) Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Karl Farr.
"Land Beyond the Sun," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Crazy Heart," Betty Taylor.
"Cattle Call," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Close to Heaven," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers.

14 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-563, 564
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wondrous Word," Hugh Farr and Ken Curtis.
"Keep a Light in Your Window," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"Pennies From Heaven," Betty Taylor.
"I Should Care," Ken Curtis.
"Bugle Call Rag," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Ridin' Home," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

17 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-565, 566
"Covered Wagon Rolled Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Rose of Tralee," Lloyd Perryman.
"Is it True What They Say About Dixie," Hugh Farr.
"Prairie Serenade," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"One Sweet Letter," Betty Taylor.
"Cottage in the Clouds," (Bob Nolan & Lloyd Perryman) Tommy Doss.

18 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-567, 568
"Rocky Mountain Express," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Limehouse Blues," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Almost," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Back in Your Own Back Yard," Betty Taylor.
"At the Rainbow's End," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Since Nellie Got the Gong," Shug Fisher.
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

19 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-569, 570
"Chisholm Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Old Buttermilk Sky," Ken Curtis.
"Followin' the Sun," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Froggy Went a Courtin'," Hugh Farr.
"Just a Closer Walk With Thee," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Give Me More of Your Kisses," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"My Gal is Purple," Sons of the Pioneers.

20 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-571, 572
"On the Rhythm Range," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"South in my Soul," Karl Farr.
"Star of Hope," Tommy Doss, Lloyd Perryman, and Betty Taylor.
"Bonaparte's Retreat," Tommy Doss.
"Basin Street Blues," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"A Summer Night's Rain," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

21 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-573, 574
"When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ne ha nee," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman.
"Shine On Harvest Moon,"  (Nora Bayes / Jack Norworth) Hugh Farr.
"Little White Lies," Betty Taylor.
"Wang Wang Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain," Lloyd Perrymen.
"Lie Low Little Dogies," Sons of the Pioneers.

24 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-575, 576
"Wahoo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Get Happy," Frankie Messina.
"Starlightin' Time in Texas," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Hey Good Lookin," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor.
"Church Music," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Move Along You Lazy Cattle," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ressurectus," Sons of the Pioneers.

25 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-577, 578
"Blue Ridge Mountain Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Aha San Antone," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis.
"I Love You So Much it Hurts Me," Lloyd Perryman.
"Zing Went the Strings of My Heart," (James F. Hanley) Betty Taylor.
"Wagons Westward Ho," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in D," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

26 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-579, 580
"Where the Rio Rolls Along," (Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Soldier's Joy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stardust," Ken Curtis.
"Biscuit Blues," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"Beyond the Reef," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Love Song of the Waterfall," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

27 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-581, 582
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Spanish Two-Step," Tommy Doss.
"Wanderers of the Wasteland," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Home," Betty Taylor.
"My Adobe Hacienda," (Louise Massey / Lee Penny) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Friendly Little Cow-Town," Lloyd Perryman.
"Lords Prayer," Sons of the Pioneers.

28 November 1952. Transcription Disc TR-583, 584
"Deep in the Heart of Texas," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Thinkin' of You," Hugh Farr.
"Was it Tears That Fell," Ken Curtis.
"Cherokee Maiden," Tommy Doss.
"Big Wide Wonderful World," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Hills of Old Wyomin'," Hugh Farr and the Sons of the Pioneers.

1 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-585, 586
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Birth of the Blues," Karl Farr.
"Down by the Old Mill Stream," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Foolish Tears," Betty Taylor.
"Beautiful Dreamer," (Stephen Foster)  Lloyd Perryman.
"Mary Lou," Ken Curtis and Lloyd Perryman.
"Wind," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat," Shug Fisher.

2 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-587, 588
"Ridin' Old Paint and Leadin' Old Bald," Sons of the Pioneers.
"At Sundown," Karl Farr.
"Trees," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Skip to My Lou," Betty Taylor.
"Because You're Mine," Ken Curtis.
"Should I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Twilight on the Trail" (Sidney D. Mitchell/Louis Alter), Sons of the Pioneers.
"Should I," Betty Taylor.

4 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-589, 590
"When the Bloom is on the Sage," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dusty Skies," Frankie Messina.
"Cross Words," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Elevated Railroad," Shug Fisher.
"Song of the Wagonmaster," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When Day is Done," Sons of the Pioneers.

5 December 1952.  Transcription Disc TR-591, 592
"Nelly Bly," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sentimental Journey," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Daddy's Little Cowboy," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Have I Told You," Betty Taylor.
"Minstrel Boy," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Runnin' Wild," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Old Folks," Sons of the Pioneers.

8 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-593, 594
"Cindy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Toy Commando," Karl Farr.
"Alabama Jubilee," Tommy Doss.
"White Christmas," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowpoke," Lloyd Perryman.
"Two to Tango," Betty Taylor and Shug Fisher.
"I Ride an Old Paint," Sons of the Pioneers.

9 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-595, 596
"Out on the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Little Rock Getaway," Hugh Farr.
"Roundup in the Sky," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wabash Cannonball," Betty Taylor.
"Blue Tango," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Throw a Saddle on a Star," (Andy Parker/Caldwell/Nordyke) Ken Curtis.
"Smilin' Through," Lloyd Perryman.

10 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-597, 598
"Welcome to the Spring," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Song of the Pioneers," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Eagle's Heart," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowboy's Dance Song," Tommy Doss.
"Now is the Hour," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Accentuate the Positive," Ken Curtis.
"So Long to the Red River Valley," Sons of the Pioneers.

11 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-599, 600
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Honeysuckle Rose," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Beautiful Dreamer," (Stephen Foster)  Lloyd Perryman.
"Wagons West," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Touch of God's Hand," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Bye Bye Blackbird," Betty Taylor.
"I Love You Truly," Sons of the Pioneers.

12 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-601
"Yippi Yi Your Troubles Away," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Undecided," Frankie Messina.
"Skylark," Ken Curtis.
"Who Me," Shug Fisher.
"Strawberry Roan," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Butterfingers," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Home on the Range,"  (Dr. Brewster Higley/Dan Kelley) Sons of the Pioneers.

14 December 1951. Duplicate of TR-144. Transcription Disc TR-602, 603

15 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-604, 605
"Cimarron,"  (Johnny Bond) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Goin' Home," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Gotta Have My Baby Back," Lloyd Perryman.
"Lonesome Road," Hugh Farr.
"I Ain't a Worryin'," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Full Time Job," Betty Taylor.
"Roses," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.

16 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-606, 607
"Don't Fence Me In," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Timber Trail the Blues Keep Followin' Me," Shug Fisher.
"St. Louis Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Get the Blues When it Rains," Betty Taylor.
"You Must Come in at the Door," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Night Falls on the Prairie," (Bob Nolan/Lloyd Perryman) Sons of the Pioneers.

17 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-608, 609
"Down Along the Sleepy Rio Grande," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wabash Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"He's a No Good Son of a Gun," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"Carolina in the Morning," Tommy Doss, Betty Taylor, and Lloyd Perryman.
"You’re From Texas," Hugh Farr.
"Columbus Stockade Blues," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ridin' the Range with You," Sons of the Pioneers.

18 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-610, 611
"That Old Black Mountain Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Arkansas Traveler Chicken Reel," Hugh Farr.
"Rounded Up in Glory," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Open Up Your Heart," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Mom and Dad Waltz," Betty Taylor.
"A Sandmans Lullaby," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Billy the Kid," Sons of the Pioneers.

19 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-612, 613
"Goin' Down to Santa Fe Town," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Poinciana," Frankie Messina.
"I'll Be Seeing You," Ken Curtis.
"My Pretty Quadroon," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stay As Sweet As You Are," Betty Taylor.
"Fare Thee Well, Lulabelle," Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Old Faithful," Ken Curtis and Tommy Doss.

22 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-614, 615
"Texas Tornado," Sons of the Pioneers.
"St. Louis Blues," Hugh Farr.
"Beautiful Ohio," Lloyd Perryman and Betty Taylor.
"We'll Rest at the End of the Trail," (Fred Rose) Sons of the Pioneers.
"West is in My Soul," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Left My Gal in the Mountains," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

23 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-616, 617
"Tater Pie," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stay Out of the South," Hugh Farr.
"If I Had My Way," Lloyd Perryman.
"I Told Them All About You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Here Comes Santa Clause," Betty Taylor.
"Keep It a Secret," Ken Curtis.
"Long, Long Ago," Ken Curtis, Betty Taylor, and Lloyd Perryman.

24 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-618, 619
"Sagebrush Symphony," Sons of the Pioneers.
"That's a Plenty," Frankie Messina.
"Why Don't You Believe Me," Ken Curtis.
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," Betty Taylor.
"Look for the Silver Lining," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Home in San Antone," Tommy Doss.
"Christmas on the Plains," Sons of the Pioneers.

25 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-620, 621
"Trail to Abilene," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jingle Bells," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Half Way Round the World," (Bob Nolan) Lloyd Perryman.
"Springtime on the Range,"

Springtime on the Range (Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Winter Wonderland," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"The Christmas Song," Ken Curtis.
"Snowbells and Echoes," Sons of the Pioneers.

26 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-622, 623
"Saddle the Sun," (Bob Nolan) & Tim Spencer) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Ridin' Down the Canyon," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Kelly Waltz," Hugh Farr.
"One Little Candle," Betty Taylor.
"I'd Trade All My Tomorrows," Tommy Doss.
"Froggie Went A' Courtin'," Shug Fisher.
"Little town of Bethlehem," Sons of the Pioneers.

29 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-624, 625
"Trail Herdin' Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in E," Karl Farr.
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Isle of Golden Dreams," (Gus Kahn / Walter Blaufuss) Betty Taylor.
"Church in the Wildwood," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Eleven Months and Ten More Days," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"Mandy Lee," Barber Shop Quartet.

30 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-626, 627
"Detour," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Skinner's Sock," Hugh Farr.
"Bouquet of Roses," Ken Curtis.
"I'm Never Satisfied," Betty Taylor.
"In the Garden," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles," Lloyd Perryman.
"Somewhere in Utah," Sons of the Pioneers.

31 December 1952. Transcription Disc TR-628, 629
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Old Fashioned Garden," Ken Curtis and Lloyd Perryman.
"Let it Snow," Betty Taylor.
"Up the Lazy River," Karl Farr.
"Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair," Lloyd Perryman.
"Pecos Bill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes," Sons of the Pioneers.

1 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-630, 631
"Old Joe Clark," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wagoner," Hugh Farr.
"Something to Remember You By," Ken Curtis.
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stay as Sweet as You Are," Betty Taylor.
"Half-Pint Head," Dink Swink.
"Somewhere in Utah," Sons of the Pioneers.

2 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-632, 633
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Little Brown Jug," (R. A. Eastburn) Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"Rose of the Alamo," Tommy Doss.
"Harbor Lights," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Holy-O," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Pal of Mine," Lloyd Perryman. "My Old Pal" (Bob Nolan) ???
"The Cowboy's Prayer," Sons of the Pioneers.

5 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-634, 635
"Ride 'Em Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cowboy Camp Meeting," Hugh Farr.
"September Song," Ken Curtis.
"I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm," Betty Taylor.
"That Pioneer Mother of Mine," Lloyd Perryman.
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss.
"Ramona,"  (L. Wolfe Gilbert / Mabel Wayne) Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.

6 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-636, 637
"Wahoo," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Kerry Dancers," Frankie Messina.
"Heartbreak Hill," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Must Have Been Out of My Mind," Betty Taylor.
"Ride, Ranger, Ride," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Outside of Heaven," Lloyd Perryman.
"Chant of the Plains," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.

7 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-638, 639
"Silver Bell," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lady, Be Good," Hugh Farr.
"Withered Roses," Betty Taylor.
"The Home Corral," Sons of the Pioneers. "A Cowboy has to Sing" (Bob Nolan)
"I Remember You," Ken Curtis.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Best to You," Sons of the Pioneers.

8 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-640, 641
"There's a Rainbow Over the Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Steel Guitar Rag," Karl Farr.
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Side by Side," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Peace in the Valley," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Can't Say the Same About You," Tommy Doss.
"May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Shug Fisher.

9 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-642, 643
"The Old Chisholm Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blue Juniata," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Somebody to Love," Betty Taylor.
"Blues in My Heart," Hugh Farr.
"The Tumbleweed Trail," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I'm an Old Cowhand," Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"In the Gloaming," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.

12 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-644, 645
"Tweedle O'Twill," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cajon Stomp," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Love is Everywhere," Lloyd Perryman.
"Chuckwagon Blues," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Why Won't You Believe Me?" Ken Curtis.
"Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"I Wonder," Sons of the Pioneers.

13 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-646, 647
"Jim Crack Corn," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Polka," Frankie Messina.
"High Noon," Tommy Doss.
"My Last Cigarette," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jambalaya," Betty Taylor.
"Utah Trail," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"When You Come to the End of the Day," Sons of the Pioneers.

14 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-648, 649
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Anytime," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr with Frankie Messina.
"Juanita," (Caroline Norton arr.) Sons of the Pioneers.
"It's Dark Outside," Ken Curtis.
"Let's Go to Church," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"When You Wore a Tulip," Tommy Doss and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Nighttime in Nevada," Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.

15 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-650, 651
"Cimarron,"  (Johnny Bond) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Open Up Your Heart," Lloyd Perryman.
"When it's Springtime in the Rockies" (Mary Hale Woolsey / Robert Sauer & Milt Taggart) Ken Curtis and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Manana," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"I'll String Along with You," Betty Taylor.
"Where the Rio Rolls Along," (Tim Spencer) Lloyd Perryman and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

16 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-652, 653
"Press Along to the Big Corral," (Romaine Lowdermilk - Brooks Copeland - Jack Widener) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Jam Session," Hugh Farr, Karl Farr, and Frankie Messina.
"South of the Border," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Give Me a Little Kiss," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Sweet Adelaide," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When the Golden Train Comes Down," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Take Me Back to My Boots and Saddle," Sons of the Pioneers.

19 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-654, 655
"Camptown Races,"  (Stephen Foster)  Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Covered Wagon Rolled Right Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Moonlight On the Prairie," (Bob Nolan & Tim Spencer) Lloyd Perryman.
"My Little Buckaroo (Jack Scholl/M. K. Jerome Betty Taylor.
"There's Power in the Blood," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Smoky Mountain Bill," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"Let's Go West Again," Sons of the Pioneers.

20 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-656, 657
"Night Train to Memphis," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Blues in A," Karl Farr.
"The Rim of the Canyon," Ken Curtis.
"S'Wonderful," Betty Taylor.
"Trail Dust," (Andy Parker) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hillbilly Wedding in June," Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"The Last Roundup," Sons of the Pioneers.

21 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-658, 659
"The Red, Red Robin Went Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along," Sons of the Pioneers.
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Thinking of You," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"I Still Feel the Same About You," Sons of the Pioneers.
"In the Oklahoma Hills," Tommy Doss.
"I Still Do," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lead Me Gently Home," Sons of the Pioneers.

22 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-660, 661
"Idaho," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cherokee Strip," Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Can Depend on Me," Betty Taylor.
"Almost," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Send Him Home to Me," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Poor Lazarus," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Moonlight and Roses," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.

23 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-662, 663
"Texas Plains," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lover," Frankie Messina.
"Keep It a Secret," Ken Curtis.
"Plain Old Plains," Tommy Doss.
"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," Sons of the Pioneers.
"I'll Hold You in My Heart," Betty Taylor and the Sons of the Pioneers.
"Following the Sun All Day," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

26 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-664, 665
"Going Back to Texas," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cold, Cold Heart," Lloyd Perryman.
"Jealous Heart," Betty Taylor.
"Dese Bones Are Gonna Rise Again," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When It's Sleepy Time Down south," Hugh Farr.
"The Golden Wedding Waltz," Sons of the Pioneers.

27 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-666, 667
"Buffalo Gal," Sons of the Pioneers.
"There'll Be Some Changes Made," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Long Ago and Far Away," Ken Curtis.
"You Can't See the Sun When Your Crying," Betty Taylor.
"The Hills of Old Wyoming," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Baby Doll," Lloyd Perryman.
"Dust," Sons of the Pioneers.

28 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-668, 669
"Out on the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"This Old White Mule of Mine," (Bob Nolan) Tommy Doss and Lloyd Perryman.
"My Gal is Purple," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Erie Canal," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Gypsy in My Soul," Betty Taylor.
"Falling Leaf," Lloyd Perryman.
"Outlaws," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

29 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-670, 671
"Down the Trail to San Antone," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Saddle Up," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cerranto," Frankie Messina.
"On Top of Old Smokey," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Owl Lullaby," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"In My Rocky Mountain Home," Tommy Doss.
"Mexicali Rose," Mexicali Rose (Helen Stone/Jack B. Tenney) Sons of the Pioneers.

30 January 1953. Transcription Disc TR-672, 673
"Roll Along Jordan," Sons of the Pioneers.
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Throw Another Log on the Fire," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Then I'll Be Happy," Betty Taylor.
"You'll Never Get Away," Betty Taylor and Shug Fisher.
"Nancy Till," Sons of the Pioneers.
"When Your Hair Has Turned to Silver," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.

2 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-674, 675
"Hear Dem Bells," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Outside of Heaven," Lloyd Perryman.
"The Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina.
"String Along with Me," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"I Understand," Ken Curtis.
"When the Sun Goes Down Again," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Old Pioneers," Sons of the Pioneers.

3 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-676, 677
"Fireball Mail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Lady, Be Good," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"The Things I Might Have Been," Lloyd Perryman.
"On the Rhythm Range," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Brain Cloudy Blues," Tommy Doss.
"Somebody Loves Me," Betty Taylor.
"The Boss is Hanging Out a Rainbow," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

4 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-678, 679
"My Blue Ridge Mountain Home," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Window at the End of the Lane," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Chapel in the Moonlight," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Dreamy Reverie," Karl Farr.
"Chant of the Wanderer," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"It Was Always You," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Shug Fisher.
"Carry Me Back to the Lone Prairie," Sons of the Pioneers.

5 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-680, 681
"Casey Jones," Sons of the Pioneers.
"At Sundown," Lloyd Perryman.
"Blue Shadows on the Trail," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Strawberry Blonde on the Strawberry Roan," Ken Curtis.
"All By Yourself in the Moonlight," Betty Taylor.
"This Cozy Cotton Corset's Killing Me," Shug Fisher.
"The Waltz of the Roses," Sons of the Pioneers.

6 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-682, 683
"The Glendy Burke," (Stepehn Foster) Sons of the Pioneers.
"I Never Knew," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
"Till I Waltz Again With You," Lloyd Perryman.
"Double Shuffle," Betty Taylor and Lloyd Perryman.
"Trail Dreamin'," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Dear Old Girl," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Everlasting Hills of Oklahoma," Sons of the Pioneers.

9 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-684, 685
"Open Range Ahead," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Memphis in June," Betty Taylor.
"You Ain't Heard Nothing Till You Hear Him Roar," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wagon Wheels," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Skyball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

10 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-686, 687
"San Antonio Rose," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Spanish Two-Step," Tommy Doss.
"Wanderers of the Wasteland," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Home," Betty Taylor.
"Fire on the Mountain," Hugh Farr.
"My Adobe Hacienda," (Louise Massey / Lee Penny) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Open Up Your Heart," Lloyd Perryman.
"Let Me Share Your Name," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

11 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-688, 689
"Nellie Bly," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Sentimental Journey," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Daddy's Little Cowboy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Stay as Sweet as You Are," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"Minstrel Boy," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Old Folks," Sons of the Pioneers.
"The Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.

12 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-690, 691
"Ridin' Old Paint and Leadin' Old Bald," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Cajon Stomp," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Trees," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Skip to My Lou," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"Because You're Mine," Ken Curtis.
"Should I," Betty Taylor.
"Twilight on the Trail" (Sidney D. Mitchell/Louis Alter), Sons of the Pioneers.

13 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-692, 693
"Out on the Open Range," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Little Rock Getaway," Hugh Farr and Frankie Messina.
"Roundup in the Sky," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Wabash Cannonball," Betty Taylor.
"The Blue Tango," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Throw a Saddle on a Star," (Andy Parker/Caldwell/Nordyke) Ken Curtis.
"Smiling Through," Sons of the Pioneers.

16 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-694, 695
"Cowboy Jubilee," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Birth of the Blues," Karl Farr and Hugh Farr.
"Pick of My Heart," Lloyd Perryman.
"Down By the Old Mill Stream," Sons of the Pioneers.
"Hoedown," Hugh Farr.
"Foolish Tears," Betty Taylor.
"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat," Sons of the Pioneers.

Lucky U Shows (1953)

Ken Curtis took leave of the Pioneers in February of 1953 to become host of the Lucky U Ranch program, changing the name to Lucky U. Rex Dennis and Buddy Dooley joined Ken in forming a new trio for the program. Where they are singing in the following programs we have called them "Ensemble" to differentiate from the Sons of the Pioneers. Completing the Lucky U cast were Shug Fisher, Betty Taylor, Frankie Messina, and the fine violinist Chuck Huerta.

17 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-696, 697
"Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes," Ensemble.
"Bye Bye Blues," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Cowboy's Sweetheart Contest," Ken Curtis.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Betty Taylor.
"Red River Valley," Ken Curtis.
"Roomful of Roses," Ken Curtis.
"Barnful of Horses," Shug Fisher.

18 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-698, 699
"Glowworm," Ensemble.
"Tiger Rag," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Why Don't You Believe Me," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Leanin' on the Old Top Rail," Ken Curtis.
"Shug Fisher's Cow Pasture Players," Shug Fisher.
"Jambalaya," Betty Taylor.

19 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-700, 701
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"My Baby's Coming Home," Ken Curtis.
"Aha! San Antone," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"Teardrops on My Pillow," Betty Taylor.
"Water Can't Quench the Fire of Love," Ken Curtis, Betty Taylor, and Frankie Messina.
"The Hot Canary," Chuck Herta.
"Ezekiel Saw the Wheel," Ensemble.

20 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-702, 703
"Too Old to Cut the Mustard," Shug Fisher.
"Darktown Strutter's Ball," Frankie Messina.
"Somebody Bigger Than You and I," Ken Curtis.
"I'll Never Be Free," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Tell Me Your Mine," Betty Taylor.
"Last Roundup," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.

23 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-704, 705
"Deep in the Heart of Texas," Ensemble.
"The Gypsy Polka," Frankie Messina.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Home on the Range,"  (Dr. Brewster Higley/Dan Kelley) Ken Curtis.
"I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"Fire Ball Mail," Betty Taylor.
"Lucky U Ring Spot," Ken Curtis.

23 February 1953. Duplicate of TR-702 and TR-703. Transcription Disc TR-706, 707

24 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-708, 709
"Cindy," Ensemble.
"Cerranto," Frankie Messina.
"Old Time Religion," Ensemble.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Keep It a Secret," Ken Curtis.
"Side By Side," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Full Time Job," Betty Taylor.

25 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-710, 711
"Tater Pie," Ensemble.
"Charleston," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Your Cheatin' Heart," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The Facts of Life My Mother Never Told Me," Unidentified.
"In the Garden," Ensemble.
"Somebody Loves You," Betty Taylor.

26 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-712, 713
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Nobody's Sweetheart," Chuck Herta.
"Summertime," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Wagon Wheels," Ensemble.
"How Much is That Doggy in the Window," Shug Fisher.
"I've Got the World on a String," Betty Taylor.

27 February 1953. Transcription Disc TR-714, 715
"Santa Fe Town," Ensemble.
"Hot Tottie," Frankie Messina and the Top Hands.
"Ragtime Cowboy Joe," (Grant Clarke/Lewis F Muir & Maurice Abrahams) Rex Dennis.
"I'd Climb the Highest Mountain," Betty Taylor.
"High Noon," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Lucky U Ring Spot," Ken Curtis.

2 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-716, 717
"Don't Let the Sun Get in Your Eyes," Ensemble.
"Beer Barrel Polka," Frankie Messina.
"Lonely Eyes," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Have You Heard," Ken Curtis.
"If You Talk Too Much," Shug Fisher.
"Lucky U Ring Spot," Ken Curtis.

3 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-718, 719
"The Chisholm Trail," Ensemble.
"Lady of Spain," Frankie Messina.
"Supposin'," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Power in the Blood," Ensemble.
"Stardust," Ken Curtis.
"Lucky U Ring Spot," Ken Curtis.

4 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-720, 721
"Texas Plains," Ensemble.
Unidentified song, Frankie Messina.
"Open Up Your Heart," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I Discovered a," Shug Fisher.
"Lucky U Ring Spot," Ken Curtis.
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee," Ensemble.

5 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-722, 723
"Old Joe Clark," Ensemble.
"Running Wild," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"I Told Them All About You," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Pennies From Heaven," Ken Curtis.
"I Don't Care," Betty Taylor.
"Lucky U Ring spot," Ken Curtis.

6 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-724, 725
"San Antonio Rose," Ken Curtis and the Top Hands.
"Tenderly," Frankie Messina.
"You Don't Know What Lonesome Is," Ken Curtis.
"I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes," Shug Fisher.
"Too Marvelous," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Star of Hope," Ensemble.

9 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-726, 727
"Glowworm," Ensemble.
"South," Chuck Herta.
"Mr. Tap Toe," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I'll String Along with You," Ken Curtis.
"Lucky U Ring," Ken Curtis.
"Hills of Old Wyoming," Ensemble.

10 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-728, 729
"Peter Cottontail," Ensemble.
"Flying Home," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Candy," Betty Taylor.
"Lucky U Ring," Ken Curtis.
"Happy Day," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Little Brown Church in the Vale," Ensemble.

11 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-730, 731
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"My Adobe Hacienda," (Louise Massey / Lee Penny) Chuck Herta.
"Across the Wide Missouri," Ensemble.
"Patches on My Heart," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Fisher's Famous Song Contest," Shug Fisher.
"On Top of Old Smokey," Ensemble.

12 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-732, 733
"Tweedle O'Twill," Ensemble.
"Lover," Frankie Messina.
"Mexicali Rose,"  (Helen Stone/Jack B. Tenney)Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"Pretty-Eyed Baby," Betty Taylor.
"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," Ensemble.

13 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-734, 735
"Happy Days Are Here Again," Ensemble.
"Waiting for the Robert E. Lee," (Lewis F. Muir and L. Wolfe Gilbert) Frankie Messina and the Top-Hands.
"There's Silver on the Sage Tonight," Ken Curtis.
"Walking the Floor Over You," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Lucky U Ring," Ken Curtis.
"My Darling Nellie Grey," Ensemble.

16 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-736, 737
"There's Gonna Be a Great Day," Ensemble.
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," Chuck Herta.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"It's a Lie," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher and Ensemble.
"Lucky U Ring," Ken Curtis.
"Tongue Twister Contest," Betty Taylor.

17 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-738, 739
"Wild Colonial Boy," Ensemble.
"Halls of Limerick," Frankie Messina and the Top Hands.
"Young May Moon," Betty Taylor.
"The Isle of Innisfree," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Irish Spelling Bee," Shug Fisher.
"Galway Bee," Ken Curtis.

18 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-740, 741
"When Payday Rolls Around," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Alabama Jubilee," Chuck Herta.
"Pretend," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Fooey on You, Little Darlin'," Shug Fisher.
"A Big Bouquet of Roses," Ken Curtis.
"Rock of Ages," Ensemble.

19 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-742, 743
"Silver Bells," Ensemble.
"Whispering," Rex Dennis.
"Button Up Your Overcoat," Betty Taylor.
"Have You Heard," Ken Curtis.
"Remember Me," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Po' Man Lazarus," Ensemble.

20 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-744, 745
"Trail to San Antone," Ensemble.
"The Donkey Serenade," Frankie Messina.
"Keep it a Secret," Ken Curtis.
"I'm Short in the Saddle (but Tall, Tall, Tall on Love)," Shug Fisher.
"My Darling," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes," Ensemble.

23 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-746, 747
"Water Can't Quench the Fire of Love," Ensemble.
"The World is Waiting for the Sunrise," Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Your Cheatin' Heart," Ken Curtis.
"Minnie the Mermaid," Buddy Dooley.
"Tell Me Your Mine," Betty Taylor.

24 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-748, 749
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Fiddlin' the Fiddle," Chuck Herta.
"It's Dark Outside," Ken Curtis.
"Sometimes," Betty Taylor.
"How Much is That Doggie in the Window," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The Last Round-Up," Ensemble.

25 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-750, 751
"Skip to My Lou," Ensemble.
"Blue Tango," Frankie Messina.
"Oh Happy Day," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Ken Curtis.
"Taking a Chance on Love," Betty Taylor.
"Roll on Little Doggies," Ensemble.

26 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-752, 753
"Skip to My Lou," Ensemble.
"Blue Tango," Frankie Messina.
"Oh Happy Day," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Ken Curtis.
"Taking a Chance on Love," Betty Taylor.
"Roll on Little Doggies," Ensemble.

27 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-754, 755
"Skip to My Lou," Ensemble.
"Blue Tango," Frankie Messina.
"Oh Happy Day," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Ken Curtis.
"Taking a Chance on Love," Betty Taylor.
"Roll on Little Doggies," Ensemble.

30 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-756, 757
"The Price I Pay for Loving You," Betty Taylor.
"Danny Boy," Ken Curtis.
"Rocky Mountain Express," Ensemble.
"Honeysuckle Rose," The Top Hands.
"I want to Listen to Rag," Ken Curtis and Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Old Trail," Ensemble.

31 March 1953. Transcription Disc TR-758, 759
"Fair You Well, Lula Belle," Ensemble.
"On the Alamo," Chuck Herta.
"Cattle Call," Ken Curtis.
"Getting to Know You," Betty Taylor.
"This Love of Mine," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Swing Down Sweet Chariot," Ensemble.

1 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-760, 761
"When it's Roundup Time in Texas," Ensemble.
"Polka," Frankie Messina.
"It's a Big Wide Wonderful World," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Was it Tears That Fell, or Was it Rain," Ken Curtis.
"Ten Little Oil Wells," Rex Dennis.
"Lucky U Ring," Ken Curtis.

2 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-762, 763
"Detour," Ensemble.
"Nobody's Sweetheart," Chuck Herta.
"Streets of Laredo," Ken Curtis.
"Along Came the Bobsey Twins," Ensemble.
"Nice Work if You Can Get It," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You," Ensemble.

3 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-764, 765
"Peter Cottontail," Ensemble.
"How High the Moon," Frankie Messina.
"Sing Hallelujah," Betty Taylor.
"Don Juan," Shug Fisher.
"I Believe," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"In the Easter Parade," Ensemble.

6 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-766, 767
"Roll Along Jordan," Ensemble.
"Amore," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Wild Horses," Buddy Dooley.
"Ridin' Down the Canyon," Ken Curtis.
"Withered Roses," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"The Old Rugged Cross," Ensemble.

7 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-768, 769
"Aha! San Antone," Ensemble.
"Hot Toddie," Ensemble.
"That's a Plenty," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"I Don't Want to Be Free," Betty Taylor.
"Lady," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Sleepy Rio Grande," Ensemble.

8 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-770, 771
"New River Train," Ensemble.
"Need You," Ken Curtis and Betty Taylor.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I Want to Go Places," Rex Allen.
"Lonesome for You, Annabelle," Shug Fisher and Ken Curtis.
"Whispering Hope," Ensemble.

9 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-772, 773
"Cimarron,"  (Johnny Bond) Ensemble.
Instrumental, Chuck Herta.
"My Baby's Coming Home," Betty Taylor.
"I Guess I'll Have to Dream the Rest," Ken Curtis.
"I Tawt I Taw a Putty Tat," Shug Fisher.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.

10 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-774, 775
"Hold That Critter Down," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Sunrise Serenade," Frankie Messina.
"Moon Over Miami," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Old Rocking Chair,"  (Willie James Clarke / Clarence Henry Reid) Buddy Dooley and Shug Fisher.
"Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.

13 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-776, 777
"You Are My Sunshine," Ensemble.
"The Syncopated Clock," Frankie Messina and Chuck Herta.
"Moonlight and Roses," Ensemble.
"I'm Making Believe," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Sam's Song," Ken Curtis and Rex Allen.
"Talk with Stan Jones," Ken Curtis.
"The Burro Lullaby," Ensemble.

14 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-778, 779
"Whoopee Ti Yi Yo," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"Get Happy," Betty Taylor.
"Biscuit Blues," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"If You'd Pretend," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"He Was There," Ensemble.

15 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-780, 781
"Sky Ball Paint," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Lady Be Good," Chuck Herta.
"Old Man River," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Scarlet Ribbons," Ken Curtis.
"Something Good Will Come From That," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Peace in the Valley," Ensemble.

16 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-782, 783
"April Showers," Ensemble.
"April in Portugal," The Top Hands.
"I'll Remember April," Betty Taylor.
"April in Paris," Ken Curtis.
"I Remember April in Paris, Texas," Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The Touch of God's Hand," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.

17 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-784, 785
"Ridin' Down to Santa Fe," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"It's You I Adore," Frankie Messina.
"I'll Be Hanging Around," Betty Taylor and Rex Allen.
"I'll Never Be Free," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Ghost Riders in the Sky," Ensemble.

20 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-786, 787
"My Blue Ridge Mountain Home," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Rex Allen.
"Your Cheatin' Heart," Ken Curtis.
"Swing Down Sweet Chariot," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Blue Skies," (Irving Berlin) Betty Taylor.
"Too Old to Cut the Mustard Anymore," Shug Fisher.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.

21 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-788, 789
"When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along," Ensemble.
"Sweet Georgia Brown," Chuck Herta.
"Congratulations to Someone," Betty Taylor.
"The Rim of the Canyon," Ken Curtis.
"Something Awful," Shug Fisher.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"When He Rounds Us Up in Glory," Ensemble.

22 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-790, 791
"Ridin' Old Paint and Leadin' Old Bald," Ensemble.
"Somebody Loves You," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"El Relicario," Frankie Messina.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Old-Time Religion," Buddy Dooley.
"Till I Waltz Again with You," Betty Taylor.
"On Top of Old Smokey," Ensemble.

23 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-792, 793
"Red Wing," Ensemble.
"Indian Love Call," Chuck Herta.
"'Deed I Do," Betty Taylor.
"Like Putty in Their Hands," Rex Allen and Shug Fisher.
"I Believe," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"In the Garden," Ensemble.

24 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-794, 795
"Rancho Grande," Ensemble.
"Clarinet Polka," Frankie Messina.
"Tagalong," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Silver on the Sage," Ken Curtis.
"Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," Ensemble.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I Love You Truly," Ensemble.

27 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-796, 797
"Happy Days Are Here Again," Ensemble.
"Hillbilly Wedding in June," Ken Curtis.
"Blue Moon," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"You're Driving Me Crazy," Betty Taylor.
"San Fernando Valley," Ensemble.

28 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-798, 799
"There's a Blue Sky Way Out Yonder," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"Where is Your Heart," Ken Curtis.
"Bye Bye Blackbird," Rex Allen.
"You Turned the Tables on Me," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Lead Me Gently Home Father," Ensemble.

29 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-800, 801
"Goin' Back to My Good Old Texas Home," Ensemble.
"Danny Boy," Frankie Messina.
"Maggie Blues," Betty Taylor and Rex Allen.
"September Song," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"They Go Wild Over Me," Shug Fisher.
"Empty Saddles," Ensemble.

30 April 1953. Transcription Disc TR-802, 803
"Night Train to Memphis," Ensemble.
"The Peanut Vendor," Frankie Messina.
"Haven't Got a Worry to My Name," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Basin Street Blues," Ken Curtis.
"Minnie the Mermaid," Buddy Dooley.
"My Best to You," Ensemble.

1 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-804, 805
"The Yellow Rose of Texas," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Chuck Herta.
"Hot Toddie," Ensemble.
"Robins and Roses," Ken Curtis.
"Nengosa," Frankie Messina.
"Froggie Went a-Courtin'," Shug Fisher.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Tennessee Waltz," Ensemble.

4 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-806, 807
"Corrine, Corrina," Ensemble.
"Way Down Yonder in New Orleans," (m. John Turner Layton, Jr. / lyrics by Henry Creamer) Chuck Herta.
"You'll Never Walk Alone," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Get Goin'," Betty Taylor.
"A Million Years," Rex Allen.
"I Haven't Got the Heart," Ray Comb.
"The Singing Hills," Ensemble.

5 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-808, 809
"Way Out There," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"April in Portugal," Frankie Messina.
"It's Just the Nearness of You," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"Exactly Like You," Rex Allen.
"Where Are You," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Wagon Wheels," Ensemble.

6 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-810, 811
"Idaho," Ensemble.
"Alabama Jubilee," Chuck Herta.
"Waltz of the Roses," Betty Taylor and Ken Curtis.
"When It's Sleepy Time Down South," Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Throw a Saddle on a Star," (Andy Parker/Caldwell/Nordyke) Ken Curtis.
"Mexicali Rose," (Helen Stone/Jack B. Tenney) Ensemble.

7 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-812, 813
"Roll Along Jordan," Ensemble.
"Serenade in Blue," Frankie Messina.
"Manana," Ken Curtis and Shug Fisher.
"It's a Lovely Day Today," Betty Taylor.
"I'm in the Mood For Love," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"My Pretty Quadroon," Ensemble.

8 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-814, 815
"I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad," Ensemble.
"My Mother's Eyes," Betty Taylor.
Instrumental, Chuck Herta.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"That Wonderful Mother of Mine," Betty Taylor and Rex Dennis.
"That Pioneer Mother of Mine," Ken Curtis.

11 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-816, 817
"San Antonio Rose," Ensemble.
"El Comanchero," Frankie Messina.
"Saddle Up," Ensemble.
"I Want to Be Happy," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The One Rose," Ken Curtis.
"Star of Hope," Ensemble.

12 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-818, 819
"Mojave," Ensemble.
"Summertime," Frankie Messina.
"You Couldn't Be Cuter," Betty Taylor.
"Riders in the Sky," Ensemble.
"There's a New Moon Over My Shoulder," (Jimmie Davis, Ekko Whelan, and Lee Blastic) Ensemble.
"Blue Bonnets for Your Golden Hair," Buddy Dooley.
"Your Cheatin' Heart," Ken Curtis.

13 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-820, 821
"I Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle Jingle," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Chuck Herta.
"It's a Spoonin' Moon," Betty Taylor and Buddy Dooley.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"How Much is That Doggie in the Window," Ensemble.
"It Might as Well Be Spring," Ken Curtis.
"Gooseberry Pie," Shug Fisher.
"The Best Things in Life Are Free," Betty Taylor.
"The Cowboy's Serenade," Ensemble.

14 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-822, 823
"Cowpoke," Ken Curtis.
"Sweet Thing," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Ramona,"  (L. Wolfe Gilbert / Mabel Wayne) Ensemble.

15 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-824, 825
"Goin' Down That Road Feelin' Bad," Ensemble.
"He Was There," Ensemble.
"Side By Side," Betty Taylor and Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I Let My Wife Support Me," Shug Fisher.
"Have I Told You Lately That I Love You," Betty Taylor.
"Ridin' Down the Canyon," Ken Curtis.

18 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-826, 827
"There's Gonna Be a Great Day," Ensemble.
"Brazil," Frankie Messina.
"Sitting on Top of the World," Betty Taylor.
"The Mystery of His Way," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"This Love of Mine," Ken Curtis.
"Another Millionaire in Texas," Rex Dennis.
"Lazy Day," Buddy Dooley.
"Seeing Nellie Home (Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party)" (James Fletcher/Francis Kyle) Ensemble.

19 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-828, 829
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.
"Wild Horses," Frankie Messina.
"I'd Trade All of My Tomorrows (for Just One Yesterday)," Buddy Dooley.
"Seven Lonely Days," Betty Taylor.
"How Much is That Doggie in the Window," Shug Fisher.
"Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie," Betty Taylor and Buddy Dooley.
"I'll Walk Alone," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The Timber Trail," Ensemble.

20 May 1953.Transcription Disc TR-830, 831
"Ida Red," Ensemble.
"Caravan," Chuck Herta.
"Hello Young Lovers," Betty Taylor.
"It Is No Secret," Ensemble.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Night and Day," Ken Curtis.
"You'll Never Get Away," Betty Taylor and Shug Fisher.
"The Strawberry Roan," Ensemble.

21 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-832, 833
"Fire Ball Mail," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"Baby, Don't Be Mad at Me," Betty Taylor.
"Chattanooga Choo-Choo," Reuben and Reddish.
"Peg O' My Heart," Ken Curtis.
"I Stutter Too Much," Shug Fisher.
"Baby Face," Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"The Hills of Old Wyoming."

22 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-834, 835
"Tater Pie," Ensemble.
"Ain't Misbehavin'," Chuck Herta.
"May You Never Be Alone Like Me," Buddy Dooley.
"When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along," Betty Taylor.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"I Believe," Ken Curtis.
"I Wonder Why," Betty Taylor Rex Dennis.
"Home on the Range," (Dr. Brewster Higley/Dan Kelley)

25 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-836, 837
"Cimarron,"  (Johnny Bond) Ensemble.
"Where is Your Heart," Frankie Messina.
"Hona Lee," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"It's a Lie," (Bob Nolan) Shug Fisher.
"Dancing with Someone and Longing For You," Betty Taylor.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Ensemble.

26 May 1953 Transcription Disc TR-838, 839
"Columbus Stockade Blues," Ensemble.
Instrumental, Frankie Messina.
"I'll Never Smile Again," Ken Curtis.
"Money, Marbles, and Chalk," Buddy Dooley.
"Love is Just Around the Corner," Betty Taylor.
"So Long to the Red River Valley," Ensemble.
"Back in Your Own Backyard," Betty Taylor and Rex Dennis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Galway Bay," Ensemble.

27 May 1953. Transcription Disc TR-840, 841
"Old Joe Clark," Ensemble.
"Bye, Bye Blues," Chuck Herta.
"Somebody Stole My Gal," Rex Dennis.
"The Call of the Faraway Hills," Ken Curtis.
"Hoedown," Chuck Herta.
"Le'ts Pretend," (Bob Nolan) Betty Taylor.
"Friendship," Shug Fisher and Dink Swink.
"A Penny For Your Thoughts," Buddy Dooley.
"The Utah Trail," Ensemble.

Audition Disc No. 1 and No. 2.
"I Ride an Old Paint," Sons of the Pioneers.
Commentary, George Putnam.
Commentary to sell the Lucky U Ranch to Don-Lee Network Stations, Bob Temple.
"Cool Water," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
Closing Commentary, Norm Osby.
Opening Commentary, Norm Osby.
"Tumbling Tumbleweeds," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
"Happy Cowboy," (Bob Nolan) Sons of the Pioneers.
Commentary, George Putnam.
Commentary on advertising, Henry Gerstincorn.
"Cajon Stomp," Hugh Farr and Karl Farr.
Commentary, George Putnam.
Commentary on gimmicks, Ray Morgan.
Commentary on Armed Forces Radio Network, George Putnam.
Interview with relatives of servicemen, Lloyd Perryman.
Commentary on Betty Taylor, George Putnam.
"Walkin' to Missouri," Betty Taylor.